A simple script to display a notification using notify-send when your battery is almost full or low. this script will warn you and try to keep your battery level at the range of ~40-80, according to the 40-80 rule for for lithium ion batteries here you find some good articles about this :
2 - Quora Article explaining what is the 40-80 rule
After searching for some alarm sounds, on Github : alarm, :.oga
I found that a lot of people use alarm-clock-elapsed.oga
located at /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/
you can always change the sound file as you wish.
Clone this repo :
git clone https://github.com/SofianeHamlaoui/battery-notifications.git
Run the following commands :
$ cd battery-notifications && mkdir /usr/bin/batterynotif && cp batterynotif /usr/bin/batterynotif/batterynotif
- Add this to your i3 config file
exec_always --no-startup-id exec batterynotif