CRUD api Based on model
Tools and Technologies :
- ASP.NET Core Web API
- .net8
- serilog(appsettings base config) console & file
- Mvc Controllers
- Minimal api (check branch)
- apikey auth
- xunit
- Testcontainers
- SwaggerUI
- docker / compose
- Mongodb
- MongoDB.Driver
The database is empty by default. Copy the body from; it's a 1:1 ,
and then post it to /api/user to fill the database .
You can also POST multiple results ( ?results=x )
The POST endpoint includes duplicate protection before inserting data into the database
- Optimize queries
- Logging to a file and retrieving log information using apikey
- Unit/Integ testing
- Docker implementation
- .net9
- Aspire
- ms Openapi