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Dataset Descriptions; A Real-world traffic speed dataset named PeMSD7. PeMSD7 was collected from Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) in real-time by over 39, 000 sensor stations, deployed across the major metropolitan areas of California state highway system. The dataset is also aggregated into 5-minute interval from 30-second data samples. We randomly select a medium and a large scale among the District 7 of California containing 228 and 1, 026 stations, labeled as PeMSD7(M) and PeMSD7(L), respectively, as data sources. The time range of PeMSD7 dataset is in the weekdays of May and June of 2012. Dataset PeMSD7(M/L) is now available under dataset folder.

Data Sources;

Work Flow Chart & Work Summary;

Method Applied; Graph Convolution Network & LSTM Combined G-C-N-N

Predicated output;Summary

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