• The project aims to create a car showroom management system using Java and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
• It involves designing classes, implementing inheritance, and utilizing polymorphism.
o Create a new Java project in your preferred IDE (e.g., Eclipse, IntelliJ, or Visual Studio Code).
o Set up the necessary project structure (directories, packages, etc.).
• The main classes include Showroom, Employees, and Cars, with Showroom extending attributes from both Employees and Cars. • Attributes for Showroom include name, address, manager's name, total number of cars, and employees. • Attributes for Employees include name, ID, and department.
• The main menu allows users to add a new showroom, view showroom data, and get lists of employees and cars. • An Interface named Utility is created to demonstrate its use in live projects.
• The project demonstrates the practical use of encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, and inheritance.
• It provides a foundation for building similar management systems like hospital or vaccine management systems, and can be added to personal portfolios or resumes.
o The project includes features related to managing a car showroom.
o These features might include adding new showrooms, managing employee details, and handling car inventory.
o The system allows interaction with showrooms, employees, and cars.
o The project defines several classes, including:
Showroom: Represents a car showroom.
Employee: Contains attributes like name, ID, and department.
Utility: An interface that provides utility methods (e.g., adding showrooms).
o By following this project, you’ll gain practical experience in OOP concepts.
o You can apply similar principles to other management systems (e.g., hospital management, vaccine management).
o Utilize inheritance:
Employee can inherit from a base class (e.g., Person).
Implement common methods (e.g., displayDetails) in the base class.
o Implement polymorphism:
Use method overriding to customize behavior (e.g., calculateSalary for different employee types).
o Showroom attributes: Name Address Manager (an instance of Employee) o Employee attributes: Name Employee ID Department
o Create a menu-driven interface for users:
Add a new showroom (using the addShowroom method).
Display existing showrooms and their details.
Add employees to showrooms.
Retrieve employee information.
o Write a Main class with a main method.
o Instantiate objects (showrooms, employees) and test various functionalities.
o Ensure that the project compiles and runs without errors.
o Compile and execute the project.
o Interact with the menu options to add showrooms, employees, and retrieve information.
- Ashwini Sonawane
- Contact: ashwinisonawane9853@gmail.com
- GitHub: Profile
- Shravan Dalavi
- Contact: shravandalavi137@gmail.com
- GitHub:Profile