Update of Jecrells mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1400227853
- This is an unofficial port
- This will be removed when/if Jecrell comes back
- Added support for Combat Extended
- Fixed starting goodwill with Empire
- Fixed the Party-tree, via SoongJr
[table] [tr] [td]https://invite.gg/Mlie]![Image](https://i.imgur.com/zdzzBrc.png) [/td] [td]https://github.com/emipa606/LordoftheRimsHobbits]![Image](https://i.imgur.com/kTkpTOE.png) [/td] [/tr] [/table]
Join https://discord.gg/jcMf4am]our Lord of the Rims channel to discuss the mod. Read https://lord-of-the-rims.wikia.com/wiki/Lord_of_the_Rims_-_Hobbits]our wiki to learn more.
- Playable Hobbit race
- Starter Hobbit scenario
- The Shire as a faction
- Mountable (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042626816/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100]with Giddy-Up!) ponies
- Pipeweed plants which can be harvested into Pipeweed for Hobbits to smoke
- Also includes Hobbit apparel, backpacks, weapons, doors, walls, and a plantable party tree
- JecsTools, DoorsExpanded, and Humanoid Alien Races
- Hobbit dress courtesy of https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089422935/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100]Gerrymon
- Hobbit cape, shirt and vest, and jacket created by Ennacrima
- A special thank you to all the producers who made this mod happen:
Sole, BaRKy, erdelf, Anton, Oggah, big papa, TheAkbars, ib2grh8, bombadil, Drachir, NanoPaladin, starbucksandchill, Epicurus, Sacriel42.
- See if the the error persists if you just have this mod and its requirements active.
- If not, try adding your other mods until it happens again.
- Post your error-log using https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=818773962]HugsLib and command Ctrl+F12
- For best support, please use the Discord-channel for error-reporting.
- Do not report errors by making a discussion-thread, I get no notification of that.
- If you have the solution for a problem, please post it to the GitHub repository.