Flipkart Product Reviews NLP : Gives better rating of Flipkart products using normalized bag-of-words sentimental analysis of Reviews and incorporating star-ratings.
- pymongo: for MongoDB
- textblob: for Sentimental Analysis
- selenium: for PhantomJS
- requests: to make HTTP request
- bs4: Beautiful Soup 4
- Make sure you have install all Dependencies.
- Start the MongoClient Server.
- Execute Main_FlipkartReviewsNLP.py
- Enter Name of the Product.
- It will scrap the data from the first page and shows in a sequence.
- Enter the Sequence no. of that product.
- Now it will start WebDriver to get the Text of Reviews and Likes & Dislikes on each reviews.
- Weightage of each review is bounded by Sigmoidal Function in Range of (-1 to 1)
- Average of Rating Calculated through Analysing Revies and Rating Given by Flipkart(out of 5) is calculated is Final.