Hi there, welcome to CowBook Library, the place where you can find any type of book. CowBook is a social network where you'll be able to share your own books or a book you have in your personal library. And of course, you'll enjoy our huge inventory.
Do you wanna share your opinion about a book you have already read ? Well, its your opportunity to do it with our feedback feature. ¡Writting a feedback is important, not only for you but also for the autor!
- User Registration: Allows users to create a new account.
- User Authentication: Enables existing users to log in securely.
- Book Management: Users can manage their books, including creating, updating, sharing, and archiving.
- Book Borrowing: Users can borrow books, with necessary checks in place.
- Book Returning: Users can return borrowed books.
- Book Return Approval: Provides functionality to approve returned books.
- Error Handling: Implemented error control mechanisms to manage and respond to exceptions effectively.
- Custom Error Management: Developed custom error handling to provide more precise error responses and improve user experience.
- Inheritance: Utilized object-oriented programming principles to manage code reusability and hierarchy.
- Monolithic Structure: Adopted a monolithic architecture for simplicity and ease of deployment.
- Layered Architecture: Structured the back-end into distinct layers to separate concerns and improve maintainability.
- Docker Containers: Used Docker for containerization to ensure consistent environments and simplify deployment.
- Springboot 3
- Spring Security 6 - JWT Token authentication
- Spring Data JPA
- OpenAPI and Swagge
- Angular
- OpenAPI for Angular
- Bootstrap
- Docker
- MailDev - JavaMail
After your registration you are going to receive an activation code which you must use for be able to use your account
Have you borrowed any books recently ?
¡Here you can see all your borrowed books, return them and leave some comments to their authors!