A simple plugin to detect and manage a player's client/mods
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
ClientDetector uses the PacketEvents API. Check it out here: https://github.com/retrooper/packetevents
- "Vanilla (Undetectable)"
- "Forge"
- "5zig Mod"
- "LabyMod"
- "Aristois (Experimental)"
- "Vivecraft"
- "MysteryMod"
- "Hyperium"
- "PXMod"
- "Pixel Client"
- "LiteLoader"
- "PvPLounge Client"
- "Fabric"
- "Lunar Client"
- "Rift"
- "Cracked Vape"
- "Winterware"
- "Feather Client"
- "5zig Mod"
- "Better Sprinting Mod"
- "World Downloader"
- "JourneyMap"
- "WorldEditCUI"
- All Forge Mods from 1.8 - 1.17.1 (with some limitations)