is a online marketplace similar to eBay but exclusively for clothing and fashion.
This chatbot monitors custom filters and sends Facebook notifications for new listings.
Product Website with demo:
Facebook Page:
Python 3.6.5
Selenium chromedriver (included)
Heroku (optional)
Install Python package requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing Heroku Support (instructions not tested)
- Install Heroku-CLI (can be done through brew)
- Create app on
- Link local app with app on
Create the following environment variables with the appropriate information
PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN= [from facebook page]
REDIS_URL=[location of redis database, can be a local database if running locally]
LOCAL=[set to 1 if running locally, this ensures that no actual messages are sent to users]
VERIFY_TOKEN=[from facebook page]
To run locally without Heroku
> python
If using heroku run via
> heroku local
Sample output should begin with these lines
2018-05-30 00:49:52.898548: Port is: 5000
2018-05-30 00:49:52.900885: Starting Server
2018-05-30 00:49:52.901753: Server Started
The application only begins checking and processing links before the first request. You can manually run this via visting the index
To use / test the application, send a message to the server via a Facebook account
- Grailed Feed Links
- Sample Input:
- Begins monitoring the link if valid
- "Status"
- Returns the current links being monitored for the specific Facebook user
- "Reset"
- Stops monitoring all links for the specific Facebook user
- All other input types will return the help message
If running locally (configured in the environment), the server will log that a message would be sent but will not actually send the message.
Pretending to send message to [recipient_id]
Otherwise, possible outputs are:
ID: [some ID number] New Item: [Name - Link]
Resetting tasks for sender_id: [sender_id]
- Flask - Micro web framework to create and run app server
- Redis - Databased used to store links and items
- Selenium - Used to simulate browser and access webpages
- BeautifulSoup - Used to scrape data from HTML
- Heroku - Cloud application hosting
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Rahul Batra
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the file for details