Growtopia enet proxy
MY DISCORD ADDRESS: srmotion SaveForwarder v3.0: Growtopia enet proxy that allows modification and viewing of packets, and creation of new ones.
Don't add me in discord for help with compiling/adding feature/some simple thing with proxy or you will get instantly blocked
Does not need separate http server
Build with Release x64
Start proxy -> auto patch hosts -> Works as supposed
- Print all variantlists and function calls
- Print all text packets
- Supports modifying, ignoring, and making new packets
- /legal command to clear malpractice without owning legal briefs
- More commands which you can find in the changelog
- Has a PoC /name name command to call OnNameChanged function for local client.
- Has a PoC OnSpawn modifier which appends netid to each players' name, and gives you unlim zoom
- Can both intercept outgoing and incoming packets
- Integrated http server
- Ignore tracking packets and crash log requests
- Ignore autoban packets (NOTE: you can still get autobanned if the check is serversided)
- Works with subserver switching
- Wrench Pull/ban/kick
- Auto Casino Tax Calculator
- Bypass Safe Vault
- Fast Drop/Trash
- Dice Speed
- Exit world when mod joins
- Visual Spin
- World Lock Troll
- Pull/kick/ban all
- and more features
- Added auto parse server_data.php
- ama6nen
- wry // thanks for helps
- wh1ter0se //thanks for helps