This program was created to help solve the second enigma of "Le Tresor de Gisor" treasure hunt.
Cistercian numbers are a numeral system that was used by the Cistercian monks in the Middle Ages. It use a set of lines to represent numbers from 1 to 9999.
The enigma has Roman numerals and a Cistercian number. We assumed that we needed to convert the Romans numerals to Arabic numerals and then to Cistercian numbers and assemble the glyphs to form some word or number.
It turned out to be a very wrong assumption which was invalidated by the author of the treasure hunt.
You can use it for other enigma that may use this mechanism.
make install
You can customize the .env.local file to alter the design of the glyphs.
make generate
make merge
Alternatively if you have imv installed you can run the following command to generate the numbers then view them in a gallery;
make merge-view
make cc
Difference truncated
Side by Side unmerged
Side by Side unmerged truncated
Side by Side merged
Side by Side merged truncated
Multi line merged
Multi line unmerged
Multi line shift unmerged full space
Multi line shift unmerged half space
Multi line shift merged full space
Multi line shift merged half space