This tiny library is for read the current level from Grove Water Level Sensor. Please note that the code behind this library is from Seeed Studio - Grove Water Level Sensor. I've only put the code into a library to reduce code in my Arduino project, and now I like to share this with you.
Here is an example, with initialize an Object of type WaterLevelSensor and call function with readPercentage.
#include <waterlevelsensor.h>
WaterLevelSensor sensor = WaterLevelSensor();
void setup() {
void loop() {
//lesen des Grove Wasser Level Sensors
int waterLevel = sensor.readPercentage();
//Ausgeben des ermittelten Wertes
The output is like the original one, with only the percentage of fill of cup.
At my blogpost Arduino UNO R3 & Grove LED Bar v2 you can find a example with the Grove LED Bar v2 device.