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How it works
Start SetReg_altcolor
The View will list all rom-registry-entries which have been created automatically by VPinMAME or e.g. SetDMD by Pinball Bulbs
- column 'altcolor-file exist' shows Y if the altcolor-file is already present, N if not
- column 'dmd colorize current' shows the current registry value of key dmd_colorize
- column 'dmd colorize after' is determined by the following rule
- if the altcolor-file exist, but key dmd_colorize is unset it will show 1
- if the altcolor-file does not exist, but key dmd_colorize is set it will show 0
Remember: key dmd_colorize is equal to CheckBox 'Colorize DMD (4 colors)' at VPinMAME
- column 'change proposed' will show Y if a change to the registry value should be done, otherwise N
All list entrys with 'change proposed'=Y will also be checked for later processing
Now check the default settings if you may want to create a backup of the registry before processing or if you like to log all changes to a logfile.
Your preferred options can be saved with button 'Save default values' -
To take over the proposed registry values of 'column dmd colorize after' for the checked roms, click button 'Update dmd_colorize'.
The list is updated afterwards with the new values
To make the process even more simple, you can call SetReg_altcolor in silent-mode from command line by using parameters Default values will be loaded from SetReg_altcolor.ini and can be overwritten by the following parameters:
- Path to altcolor folder (optional if other than "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor")
- writelogfile=true|false (optional, create a logfile of processed registry entries)
- opennotepad=true|false (optional: open logfile with notepad after processing)
- createregbackup=true|false (optional: create a backup of registry part HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Freeware\Visual PinMame)
- showconclusion=true|false Show conclusion-window after processing
- writecsv=true|false (optional, create a csv-file of all registry entries)
- runsilent=true|false (optional, run without user-interaction. Uses values from file SetReg_altcolor.ini)
To start SetReg_altcolor in silent-mode use e.g. SetReg_altcolor.exe runsilent or SetReg_altcolor.exe runsilent showconclusion=false createregbackup=true or with any other parameter-combination