needs a working conda installation and conda in path
Snakemake needs to be installed in the working enviroment
sample_working.tsv provides a example of the needed sampleseheet
use the module like this:
$ cd xGen_CS_Adapters_fgbioUMI
the current working dirtectory needs to be the xGen_CS_Adapters_fgbioUMI folder
snakemake --use-conda --cores 8 --conda-prefix "folder where conda should store the envs data (is optional)"
- the pipeline creates a folder structure and writes all the output in the parent directory of the current working directory
#Folder Structure
├── 01_raw
├── 02_unmappedBam
├── 03_mappedBam
├── 04_CallMolecularConsensusReads
├── 05_ConsensusMappedBam
├── 06_Vardict
└── xGen_CS_Adapters_fgbioUMI
├── data
│ ├── Twist-custom_hg19.bed
├── envs
│ ├── bedtools.yaml
│ ├── fastqc.yaml
│ ├── mapping_viz.yaml
│ ├── sambamba.yaml
│ ├── samtools.yaml
│ ├── samtools.yaml.save
│ ├── star.yaml
│ ├── subread.yaml
│ └── trimmomatic.yaml
├── samples.tsv
├── sample_working.tsv
├── scripts
│ ├── mapping.py
│ └── sub_sampleVIZ.py
└── Snakefile
Stephan drukewitz --> Stephan.Drukewitz@uniklinikum-dresden.de