Pre-releaseStable 0.5.0 version available (https://github.com/Stratehm/stratum-proxy/releases/). Use it instead of this one.
SNAPSHOT of the 0.5.0 version. It should only be used for testing purposes.
/!\ A bug is present in this release which prevent some pools to be reconnected after a disonnection. See bug #8 for more details. Investigation in progress.
Changes since 0.4.0:
-Add a --disable-log-append option to reset the log file on each proxy restart.
-Issue only one authorization request on pool if several workers try to authorize at the same time with option --append-worker-names
-Add --disable-api, --disable-stratum and --disable-getwork options
-Improve connections management performance.
-Add --pool-switching-strategy option to choose the pool switching strategy. Available are priorityFailover and weightedRoundRobin.
-Add the --weighted-round-robin-round-duration option
-Fix a bug when rebinding a worker connection to another pool using change extranonce and with option appendWorkerNames.
-Fix an exception when pool switching of a worker using the extranonce change notification.
-Add isReady, ready since and weight pool info in GUI
-Fix log directory not created if does not exist.
-Change --pool-no-notify-timeout default value from 120 seconds to 240 seconds.
-Add to Top/Bottom buttons
-Add change logs level on the logs page
-Add a logging page with live logging display
-Migrate database from Neodatis to db4o
-Show missing interval data on hashrate graph
-Add the Add pool feature to WebClient
-Add GUI features: disable/enable, remove pool and set the highest priority on a pool
-Fix pool displayed several times when pool menu selection several times.
-Added the donation address in the navbar