Behavior Change as a Service🌞
Utilizing advanced Generative AI, our platform transforms the way causal experiments on human behavior are conducted, significantly reducing time and costs. We design and simulate experiments with a level of precision and reliability akin to the most thorough human studies, streamlining research while maintaining high accuracy.
Our causal experimentation process involves four key parts:
You enter a question. We use AI to assist you in developing a causal experiment. Our AI suggests attributes, levels, traits, dependent variables, and statistical power needed for your experiment. Users can customize any aspect of their experiment.
You select population characteristics and we recruit and construct a Representative Population. Each Respondent for the experiment has representative characteristic traits of your selected population.
We poll the Representative Population to obtain answers for each respondent. Each persona performs several choice tasks. The answers are logged and passed along for analysis. Our results are auditable to all investigators.
Results are analyzed using state-of-the-art causal modeling techniques. The coefficients are used to estimate the preferences of subgroups in the population, create clusters, and report on which features of the product each persona prefers, and why.
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