This program enables you to encode and decode text messages using matrices. Given a message and a square matrix, the program will generate a set of vectors with the encoded message, that you'll use to decode the message.
The program generates the vectors with the encoded message by assigning each letter in it in form of a number that enumerates it. Then, multiplying the matrix given by each vector, it will encode the message in the form of encoded vectors.
To decode the message, the program will simply multiply the inverse of the matrix given by each vector, generating the original vectors and assigning them back to each letter.
For more information, see:,we%20obtain%20the%20original%20message.
Input the values of the matrix
Writte the text to encode
(the program will ignore punctuation, it'll only account for spaces and letters)
The program will give you the vectors with the encoded message
Input the values of the matrix
Input the vectors with the encoded message
The program will give you the text message decoded