Welcome to the Number Guessing Game! Challenge yourself to guess the correct number and maintain a high score.
Play the Game: Guess My Number
The Number Guessing Game is a simple interactive game where the player needs to guess a number between 1 and 20. The game provides feedback on the accuracy of the guess and adjusts the player's score accordingly.
- HTML: Responsible for structuring the web page.
- CSS: Handles styling and enhances the visual appeal of the game.
- JavaScript: Leverages the Document Object Model (DOM) and logic for an interactive gaming experience.
- The game generates a random number between 1 and 20.
- You, as the player, input your guess.
- If your guess is correct, you receive a "🎊 Correct Number!" message.
- If your guess is incorrect, your score decreases by 1.
- Continue guessing until you reach the correct number or your score reaches 0.
- Interactive and engaging number guessing experience.
- Dynamic scoring system that motivates players to guess correctly.
- Randomly generated numbers to keep the game interesting.