Spark Optimization:
** 1: ** Standalone spark with: Master: 15 GB memory and 12 Cores Worker: 1 GB per executor 6 cores per executor.
** 2: ** Spark submit command used.
bin/spark-submit --master spark://Host:7077
** 1. Resource Tuning ** Here
* Since spark was running in stand alone mode, increasing the number of executors had negative effect on performance.
* having 2 worker nodes with 1 executor and 6 core took 14 sec to complete the job where as having single worker node with 2 executors took 13 seconds to complete
* When number of executors were increased to 10 with single core, job took more than 30 seconds to complete
* Best time of 12 Seconds was achieved with below configuration on single worker machine
--num-executors 1 --executor-cores 12 --executor-memory 1GB
** Data frame Caching **
- DataFrame caching using cache()/persist() had no effect at all.Before and after execution times were same.
** Repartitioning **
- Repartitioning answersDF had 2 seconds gain when default spark configuration was use.
answersDF.withColumn('month', month('creation_date')).repartition(col('question_id'),col('month')).groupBy('question_id', 'month').agg(count('*').alias('cnt'))
** Broadcast and join order **
- Using either Broadcast or changing join order of questionsDF and answers_month had no effect on time either
- From Here i see that by default under 10MB broadcast is on.
** Limiting shuffle partitions **
- I see that by default number of partitions are 200.That will cause lot of shuffle.Using
config option number of shuffle partitions can be controlled. - setting this to less than 20 had 2 second performance gain. Overall the job took about 9 seconds after tuning, which is about 5 seconds less than original 14 seconds.