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rajexplo authored Dec 7, 2016
1 parent 16b5fda commit e4a5f43
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Showing 100 changed files with 12,347 additions and 0 deletions.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions BuildBCMaps2D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
function BuildBCMaps2D()

% function BuildMaps2DBC
% Purpose: Build specialized nodal maps for various types of
% boundary conditions, specified in BCType.


% create label of face nodes with boundary types from BCType
bct = BCType';
bnodes = ones(Nfp, 1)*bct(:)';
bnodes = bnodes(:);

% find location of boundary nodes in face and volume node lists
mapI = find(bnodes==In); vmapI = vmapM(mapI);
mapO = find(bnodes==Out); vmapO = vmapM(mapO);
mapW = find(bnodes==Wall); vmapW = vmapM(mapW);
mapF = find(bnodes==Far); vmapF = vmapM(mapF);
mapC = find(bnodes==Cyl); vmapC = vmapM(mapC);
mapD = find(bnodes==Dirichlet); vmapD = vmapM(mapD);
mapN = find(bnodes==Neuman); vmapN = vmapM(mapN);
mapS = find(bnodes==Slip); vmapS = vmapM(mapS);
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions BuildCurvedOPS2D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function [cinfo] = BuildCurvedOPS2D(intN)

% function [cinfo] = BuildCurvedOPS2D(intN)
% Purpose: build curved info for curvilinear elements


% 1. Create cubature information

% 1.1 Extract cubature nodes and weights
[cR,cS,cW,Ncub] = Cubature2D(intN);

% 1.1. Build interpolation matrix (nodes->cubature nodes)
cV = InterpMatrix2D(cR, cS);

% 1.2 Evaluate derivatives of Lagrange interpolants at cubature nodes
[cDr,cDs] = Dmatrices2D(N, cR, cS, V);

% 2. Create surface quadrature information

% 2.1 Compute Gauss nodes and weights for 1D integrals
[gz, gw] = JacobiGQ(0, 0, intN);

% 2.2 Build Gauss nodes running counter-clockwise on element faces
gR = [gz, -gz, -ones(size(gz))];
gS = [-ones(size(gz)), gz, -gz];

% 2.3 For each face
for f1=1:Nfaces
% 2.3.1 build nodes->Gauss quadrature interpolation and differentiation matrices
gV(:,:,f1) = InterpMatrix2D(gR(:,f1), gS(:,f1));
[gDr(:,:,f1),gDs(:,:,f1)] = Dmatrices2D(N, gR(:,f1), gS(:,f1), V);

% 3. For each curved element, evaluate custom operator matrices
Ncurved = length(curved);

% 3.1 Store custom information in array of Matlab structs
cinfo = [];
for c=1:Ncurved
% find next curved element and the coordinates of its nodes
k1 = curved(c); x1 = x(:,k1); y1 = y(:,k1); cinfo(c).elmt = k1;

% compute geometric factors
[crx,csx,cry,csy,cJ] = GeometricFactors2D(x1,y1,cDr,cDs);

% build mass matrix
cMM = cV'*diag(cJ.*cW)*cV; cinfo(c).MM = cMM;

% build physical derivative matrices
cinfo(c).Dx = cMM\(cV'*diag(cW.*cJ)*(diag(crx)*cDr + diag(csx)*cDs));
cinfo(c).Dy = cMM\(cV'*diag(cW.*cJ)*(diag(cry)*cDr + diag(csy)*cDs));

% build individual lift matrices at each face
for f1=1:Nfaces
k2 = EToE(k1,f1); f2 = EToF(k1,f1);

% compute geometric factors
[grx,gsx,gry,gsy,gJ] = GeometricFactors2D(x1,y1,gDr(:,:,f1),gDs(:,:,f1));

% compute normals and surface Jacobian at Gauss points on face f1
if(f1==1) gnx = -gsx; gny = -gsy; end;
if(f1==2) gnx = grx+gsx; gny = gry+gsy; end;
if(f1==3) gnx = -grx; gny = -gry; end;

gsJ = sqrt(gnx.*gnx+gny.*gny);
gnx = gnx./gsJ; gny = gny./gsJ; gsJ = gsJ.*gJ;

% store normals and coordinates at Gauss nodes
cinfo(c).gnx(:,f1) = gnx; cinfo(c).gx(:,f1) = gV(:,:,f1)*x1;
cinfo(c).gny(:,f1) = gny; cinfo(c).gy(:,f1) = gV(:,:,f1)*y1;

% store Vandermondes for '-' and '+' traces
cinfo(c).gVM(:,:,f1) = gV(:,:,f1);
cinfo(c).gVP(:,:,f1) = gV(end:-1:1,:,f2);

% compute and store matrix to lift Gauss node data
cinfo(c).glift(:,:,f1) = cMM\(gV(:,:,f1)'*diag(gw.*gsJ));
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions BuildHNonCon2D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
function [neighbors] = BuildHNonCon2D(NGauss, tol)

% function [neighbors] = BuildHNonCon2D(NGauss, tol)
% Purpose: find element to element connections through non-conforming interfaces
% (** elements assumed straight sided **)


% 1. Build Gauss nodes
[gz, gw] = JacobiGQ(0, 0, NGauss-1);

% 1.1 Find location of vertices of boundary faces
vx1 = VX(EToV(:,[1,2,3])); vx2 = VX(EToV(:,[2,3,1]));
vy1 = VY(EToV(:,[1,2,3])); vy2 = VY(EToV(:,[2,3,1]));

idB = find(EToE==((1:K)'*ones(1,Nfaces)));
x1 = vx1(idB)'; y1 = vy1(idB)';
x2 = vx2(idB)'; y2 = vy2(idB)';

% 1.2 Find those element-faces that are on boundary faces
[elmtsB,facesB] = find(EToE==((1:K)'*ones(1,Nfaces)));
Nbc = length(elmtsB);

sk = 1;
% 2.1 For each boundary face
for b1=1:Nbc
% 2.2 Find element and face of this boundary face
k1 = elmtsB(b1); f1 = facesB(b1);

% 2.3 Find end coordinates of b1'th boundary face
x11 = x1(b1); y11 = y1(b1); x12 = x2(b1); y12 = y2(b1);

% 2.4 Compute areas, lengths and face coordinates used in intersection
% tests comparing b1'th boundary face with all boundary faces
area1 = abs((x12-x11)*(y1-y11) - (y12-y11)*(x1-x11)); %scale
area2 = abs((x12-x11)*(y2-y11) - (y12-y11)*(x2-x11));
L = (x12-x11)^2 + (y12-y11)^2 ;
r21 = ((2*x1-x11-x12)*(x12-x11) + (2*y1-y11-y12)*(y12-y11))/L;
r22 = ((2*x2-x11-x12)*(x12-x11) + (2*y2-y11-y12)*(y12-y11))/L;

% 2.5 Find range of local face coordinate (bracketed between -1 and 1)
r1 = max(-1,min(r21,r22)); r2 = min(1,max(r21,r22));

% 2.6 Compute flag for overlap of b1 face with all other boundary faces
flag = area1+area2+(r1<= -1 & r2<= -1)+(r1>=1 & r2>=1)+(r2-r1<tol);

% 2.7 Find other faces with partial matches
matches = setdiff(find(flag < tol),b1);
Nmatches = length(matches(:));

% 3.1 Find matches
r1 = r1(matches); r2 = r2(matches);

% 3.2 Find end points of boundary-boundary intersections
xy11 = 0.5*[x11;y11]*(1-r1) + 0.5*[x12;y12]*(1+r1);
xy12 = 0.5*[x11;y11]*(1-r2) + 0.5*[x12;y12]*(1+r2);

% 3.3 For each face-face match
for n=1:Nmatches

% 3.4 Store which elements intersect
k2 = elmtsB(matches(n)); f2 = facesB(matches(n));
neighbors{sk}.elmtM = k1; neighbors{sk}.faceM = f1;
neighbors{sk}.elmtP = k2; neighbors{sk}.faceP = f2;

% 3.5 Build physical Gauss nodes on face fragment
xg = 0.5*(1-gz)*xy11(1,n) + 0.5*(1+gz)*xy12(1,n);
yg = 0.5*(1-gz)*xy11(2,n) + 0.5*(1+gz)*xy12(2,n);

% 3.6 Find local coordinates of Gauss nodes
[rg1,sg1] = FindLocalCoords2D(k1, xg, yg);
[rg2,sg2] = FindLocalCoords2D(k2, xg, yg);

% 3.7 Build interpolation matrices for volume nodes ->Gauss nodes
gVM = InterpMatrix2D(rg1,sg1); neighbors{sk}.gVM = gVM;
gVP = InterpMatrix2D(rg2,sg2); neighbors{sk}.gVP = gVP;

% 3.8 Find face normal
neighbors{sk}.nx = nx(1+(f1-1)*Nfp,k1);
neighbors{sk}.ny = ny(1+(f1-1)*Nfp,k1);

% 4.0 Build partial face data lift operator

% 4.1 Compute weights for lifting
partsJ = sqrt( (xy11(1,n)-xy12(1,n))^2 + (xy11(2,n)-xy12(2,n))^2 )/2;
dgw = gw*partsJ/J(1,k1);

% 4.2 Build matrix to lift Gauss data to volume data
neighbors{sk}.lift = V*V'*(gVM')*diag(dgw);

sk = sk+1;
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions BuildMaps2D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
function [mapM, mapP, vmapM, vmapP, vmapB, mapB] = BuildMaps2D()

% function [mapM, mapP, vmapM, vmapP, vmapB, mapB] = BuildMaps2D
% Purpose: Connectivity and boundary tables in the K # of Np elements


% number volume nodes consecutively
nodeids = reshape(1:K*Np, Np, K);
vmapM = zeros(Nfp, Nfaces, K); vmapP = zeros(Nfp, Nfaces, K);
mapM = (1:K*Nfp*Nfaces)'; mapP = reshape(mapM, Nfp, Nfaces, K);

% find index of face nodes with respect to volume node ordering
for k1=1:K
for f1=1:Nfaces
vmapM(:,f1,k1) = nodeids(Fmask(:,f1), k1);

one = ones(1, Nfp);
for k1=1:K
for f1=1:Nfaces
% find neighbor
k2 = EToE(k1,f1); f2 = EToF(k1,f1);

% reference length of edge
v1 = EToV(k1,f1); v2 = EToV(k1, 1+mod(f1,Nfaces));
refd = sqrt( (VX(v1)-VX(v2))^2 + (VY(v1)-VY(v2))^2 );

% find find volume node numbers of left and right nodes
vidM = vmapM(:,f1,k1); vidP = vmapM(:,f2,k2);
x1 = x(vidM); y1 = y(vidM); x2 = x(vidP); y2 = y(vidP);
x1 = x1*one; y1 = y1*one; x2 = x2*one; y2 = y2*one;

% Compute distance matrix
D = (x1 -x2').^2 + (y1-y2').^2;
[idM, idP] = find(sqrt(abs(D))<NODETOL*refd);
vmapP(idM,f1,k1) = vidP(idP); mapP(idM,f1,k1) = idP + (f2-1)*Nfp+(k2-1)*Nfaces*Nfp;

% reshape vmapM and vmapP to be vectors and create boundary node list
vmapP = vmapP(:); vmapM = vmapM(:); mapP = mapP(:);
mapB = find(vmapP==vmapM); vmapB = vmapM(mapB);
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions BuildNonCon2D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
function [neighbors] = BuildNonCon2D(NGauss, tol)

% function [neighbors] = BuildNonCon2D(NGauss, tol)
% Purpose: find element to element connections through non-conforming interfaces
% (** elements assumed straight sided **)


% 1. Build Gauss nodes
[gz, gw] = JacobiGQ(0, 0, NGauss-1);

% 1.1 Find location of vertices of boundary faces
vx1 = VX(EToV(:,[1,2,3])); vx2 = VX(EToV(:,[2,3,1]));
vy1 = VY(EToV(:,[1,2,3])); vy2 = VY(EToV(:,[2,3,1]));

idB = find(EToE==((1:K)'*ones(1,Nfaces)));
x1 = vx1(idB)'; y1 = vy1(idB)';
x2 = vx2(idB)'; y2 = vy2(idB)';

% 1.2 Find those element-faces that are on boundary faces
[elmtsB,facesB] = find(EToE==((1:K)'*ones(1,Nfaces)));
Nbc = length(elmtsB);

sk = 1;
% 2.1 For each boundary face
for b1=1:Nbc
% 2.2 Find element and face of this boundary face
k1 = elmtsB(b1); f1 = facesB(b1);

% 2.3 Find end coordinates of b1'th boundary face
x11 = x1(b1); y11 = y1(b1); x12 = x2(b1); y12 = y2(b1);

% 2.4 Compute areas, lengths and face coordinates used in intersection
% tests comparing b1'th boundary face with all boundary faces
area1 = abs((x12-x11)*(y1-y11) - (y12-y11)*(x1-x11)); %scale
area2 = abs((x12-x11)*(y2-y11) - (y12-y11)*(x2-x11));
L = (x12-x11)^2 + (y12-y11)^2 ;
r21 = ((2*x1-x11-x12)*(x12-x11) + (2*y1-y11-y12)*(y12-y11))/L;
r22 = ((2*x2-x11-x12)*(x12-x11) + (2*y2-y11-y12)*(y12-y11))/L;

% 2.5 Find range of local face coordinate (bracketed between -1 and 1)
r1 = max(-1,min(r21,r22)); r2 = min(1,max(r21,r22));

% 2.6 Compute flag for overlap of b1 face with all other boundary faces
flag = area1+area2+(r1<= -1 & r2<= -1)+(r1>=1 & r2>=1)+(r2-r1<tol);

% 2.7 Find other faces with partial matches
matches = setdiff(find(flag < tol),b1);
Nmatches = length(matches(:));

% 3.1 Find matches
r1 = r1(matches); r2 = r2(matches);

% 3.2 Find end points of boundary-boundary intersections
xy11 = 0.5*[x11;y11]*(1-r1) + 0.5*[x12;y12]*(1+r1);
xy12 = 0.5*[x11;y11]*(1-r2) + 0.5*[x12;y12]*(1+r2);

% 3.3 For each face-face match
for n=1:Nmatches

% 3.4 Store which elements intersect
k2 = elmtsB(matches(n)); f2 = facesB(matches(n));
neighbors{sk}.elmtM = k1; neighbors{sk}.faceM = f1;
neighbors{sk}.elmtP = k2; neighbors{sk}.faceP = f2;

% 3.5 Build physical Gauss nodes on face fragment
xg = 0.5*(1-gz)*xy11(1,n) + 0.5*(1+gz)*xy12(1,n);
yg = 0.5*(1-gz)*xy11(2,n) + 0.5*(1+gz)*xy12(2,n);

% 3.6 Find local coordinates of Gauss nodes
[rg1,sg1] = FindLocalCoords2D(k1, xg, yg);
[rg2,sg2] = FindLocalCoords2D(k2, xg, yg);

% 3.7 Build interpolation matrices for volume nodes ->Gauss nodes
gVM = InterpMatrix2D(rg1,sg1); neighbors{sk}.gVM = gVM;
gVP = InterpMatrix2D(rg2,sg2); neighbors{sk}.gVP = gVP;

% 3.8 Find face normal
neighbors{sk}.nx = nx(1+(f1-1)*Nfp,k1);
neighbors{sk}.ny = ny(1+(f1-1)*Nfp,k1);

% 4.0 Build partial face data lift operator

% 4.1 Compute weights for lifting
partsJ = sqrt( (xy11(1,n)-xy12(1,n))^2 + (xy11(2,n)-xy12(2,n))^2 )/2;
dgw = gw*partsJ/J(1,k1);

% 4.2 Build matrix to lift Gauss data to volume data
neighbors{sk}.lift = V*V'*(gVM')*diag(dgw);

sk = sk+1;

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