This is the Ruby version of the SCG API. The SCG APIs provides access to communication channels using SMS, MMS, Push Notification, OTT messaging and Voice.
We have prepared a thin Ruby wrapper over the REST API for these services.
The Ruby API hides some of the REST API's constraints, like lists being returned in logical pages of n records. With the Ruby SDK, the list method returns a wrapper that implements each().
Please register for a free account at to get your API keys.
Dependencies can be installed with gem.
The Ruby SDK implements thin wrapper classes over the different Messaging API resources. Using these resource classes, you can create, get, update, list, replace and delete objects.
def list_contacts(url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
# List the contacts manually, one returned data-set (page) at the time
offset = 0
data = api_client.contacts.list_raw({:offset => offset})
data['list'].each {|c| puts "Contact #{c['id']} #{c['first_name']} mdn: #{c['primary_mdn']}"}
offset += data['list'].size
end while data['list'].size > 0
# List the contacts conveniently, using a wrapper class that implements each()
api_client.contacts.list.each do |c|
puts "Contact #{c['id']} #{c['first_name']} mdn: #{c['primary_mdn']}"
This program will output something like:
Contact 4AOXpg8dlXRCMXlWDUch73 Alice mdn: 155560000002
Contact vsXgkqhUW4eIwMColyevn7 Bob mdn: 1555898230057
def update_contact(url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
res = api_client.contacts
cid = res.create(
{'first_name' =>'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'primary_mdn' => '3592884111115'})['id']
contact = res.get(cid)
res.update(cid, {'last_name' => 'Anderson',
'version_number' => contact['version_number']})
contact = res.get(cid)
puts "John Doe changed name to #{contact['first_name']} #{contact['last_name']}"
You can create an object by calling create with a hash of the data values for the object you create.
In this example, please notice the version_number field that we copy from the received data to the update argument. The server use optimistic locking to safeguard against inconsistent updates of the data. In case someone else updated the contact in the time window between your get and update calls, the update will fail. In that case you must retry the operation - first getting the data, with the new version, and then retrying the update with your changes - and the new version_number. This pattern applies for all objects that can be updated.
The example will output:
John Doe changed name to John Anderson
Errors are reported trough exceptions. Please see the Ruby RestClient library for reference.
def send_sms(senderid, mdn, url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
res = api_client.message_requests
request_id = res.create({'from' => 'sender_id:' + senderid,
'to' =>[mdn],
'body' => 'Hello World'})
puts "Created message request #{request_id}"
This works as above, except for the to field in create
request_id = res.create({'from' => 'contact:' + contact_id,
'to' =>[mdn],
'body' => 'Hello World'})
Here we will create two new contacts, a new group, assign the contacts to the group, and then send a message to the group.
def send_sms(senderid, bob_mdm, alice_mdn, url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
# Create Bob
contact_res = api_client.contacts
bob_id = contact_res.create(
{'first_name' =>'Bob',
'primary_mdn' => bob_mdm})['id']
# Create Alice
contact_res = api_client.contacts
alica_id = contact_res.create(
{'first_name' =>'Alice',
'primary_mdn' => alice_mdn})['id']
group_res = api_client.contact_groups
friends_id = group_res.create({'name' => 'Our Friends'})['id']
group_res.add_contacts(friends_id, [bob_id, alica_id])
mrq_res = api_client.message_requests
request_id = mrq_res.create({'from' => 'sender_id:' + senderid,
'to' =>['group:' + friends_id],
'body' => 'Hello World'})['id']
puts "Created message request #{request_id}"
group_res.delete friends_id
def send_mms(senderid, mdn, attachment, url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
att_res = api_client.attachments
att_id = att_res.create({'name' => 'test_upload',
'type' => 'image/jpeg',
'filename' => 'cutecat.jpg'})['id']
att_res.upload att_id, attachment
mrq_res = api_client.message_requests
request_id = mrq_res.create({'from' => 'sender_id:' + senderid,
'to' =>[mdn],
'attachments' => [att_id],
'body' => 'Hello World'})['id']
puts "Created message request #{request_id}"
def check_state(mrqId, url_arg = {})
factory =;
authenticator = factory.buildAuthenticator(json_config: 'auth.json' )
api_client = factory.buildApiClient(authenticator)
res = api_client.message_requests
puts res.get mrqId
The example below may output something like:
{"application_id"=>888, "company_id"=>12121,
"created_date"=>1498544910988, "last_updated_date"=>1498544913351,
"version_number"=>2, "id"=>"aaRXWwJdXFs3MsuidEmug2",
"to"=>["15553067507"], "attachments"=>["3gflTL0rkRIDazM9JP1fQ1"],
"body"=>"Hello World", "state"=>"COMPLETED",
"recipient_count"=>1, "sent_count"=>0, "delivered_count"=>0,
"media_requested_count"=>0, "read_count"=>0,
"click_thru_count"=>0, "converted_count"=>0, "canceled_count"=>0,
"failed_count"=>1, "sender_id_sort_criteria"=>[],