Java example for Batch Job Submission & File Creation using the Syniverse Developer Community (SDC)
You will first need to have an account (create at ).
Then you should follow the set up instructionss at
To quickly run these samples out of the box, the following are required
- JDK 8
- Eclipse or other IDE
- Maven
Importing this project into Eclipse as "Existing Maven Projects" should generate needed project metadata and resolve dependencies (assuming automatic build preferences were not disabled in the workspace).
This sample bundles up all http requests required to run and then check the status of a BatchAutomation job
- Define a new MSS file
- Upload BatchAutomation input data to newly defined MSS file
- Create new BatchAutomation job with reference to newly created MSS file
- Get status (and other details) of newly created BatchAutomation job
Some configurations will need to be set to specify some user specific data, and define which sample job type is to be run. All of this is done in src/main/resources/
user.sdc.bearer-token - This value is set as the Authentication header in the sample http requests. A valid SDC bearer token must be set here. - If running a "monitor" job, a delivery configuration id must be set here. Details in the last section of the Prerequisites section above.
sample.job.type - Controls which type of sample job will be run. Options are equal to the names of the subfolders in the resources directory.... lookup, monitor and unsubscribe. The contents of the request that defines the batch job, and the input file content to be run with the job, are found in these subdirectories.
com.syniverse.eis.aba.sample.schedule.CreateScheduleApp is the runnable class that kicks this off. Output info is written to System.out, and a successful run would look something like this:
MSS file creation response: {"file_id":"c5d82b8a-c0c1-44c1-84a0-74621ba838a2","file_name":"SyniverseSample","company-id":"829","file_tags":"","file_folder":"","app_name":"SyniverseSample","file_status":"CREATED","file_uri":"","file_compression_type":"","file_version":1,"file_size":0,"file_fullsize":209715200,"creation_time":"2018-01-12T14:15:53.416 +0000","modified_time":"2018-01-12T14:15:53.416 +0000","file_retention_time":1,"expire_time":"2018-01-13T14:15:53.416 +0000"}
MSS file upload response status code: 201
ABA schedule creation response: {"schedule":{"id":"83ebdd8b-528d-4b21-b8ba-71a16fda26ba","jobId":"NIS-Scrub-v2-fs1","name":"SampleNumberLookup","inputFileId":"c5d82b8a-c0c1-44c1-84a0-74621ba838a2","fileRetentionDays":1,"scheduleRetentionDays":1,"outputFileNamingExpression":"Sample","outputFileFolder":"","outputFileTag":null,"jobRuntimeContext":{}}}
ABA execution current state: {"executions":[{"id":"f373facb-c8b9-4814-aab8-55eb7d9efc5b","scheduleDetail":{"id":"83ebdd8b-528d-4b21-b8ba-71a16fda26ba","jobId":"NIS-Scrub-v2-fs1","name":"SampleNumberLookup","inputFileId":"c5d82b8a-c0c1-44c1-84a0-74621ba838a2","fileRetentionDays":1,"scheduleRetentionDays":1,"outputFileNamingExpression":"Sample","outputFileFolder":"","outputFileTag":null,"jobRuntimeContext":{}},"status":"COMPLETE","statusReason":"Final Status","startTimestamp":1515766556239,"statusUpdateTimestamp":1515766561933,"outputFileId":"EMPTY_FILE","errorDetailFileId":"10028cc0-c6d8-42ae-b59f-d3e1183130ea","retryFileId":"65737c4e-af8a-4b5e-9944-41938228b34d","recordSuccessCount":0,"recordRetryCount":3,"recordErrorCount":0,"outputFileURI":"EMPTY_FILE","errorDetailFileURI":"","retryFileURI":""}]}
Execution finished with status COMPLETE