888802f [RELEASE] Release 4th beta as 8.0.4
f7cc974 [TASK] Update README.md
d760b55 [TASK] composer prepare-release
6e0f245 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul: Disable/Remove clipboard button in headline
aa9d053 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul: Headline hover visibility
b67555d [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul: Get edit button work again
3799fa4 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul: Get show/hide working again
c262188 [TASK] Move back to correct code position
6e43dd2 [TASK] Disable phpcs warning on dynamicClass PageRepository
5a2d8bd [TASK] Fixing phpsniff checks
8000832 [BUGFIX] UpdateScript: TVP8 Update: Show warnings while converting XPath
77dfe0f [TASK] PageLayoutModul: Handle old bootstrap 3 in TYPO3 v10 and early
df1b142 [BUGFIX] PageLayout: Need empty value for child processing information
e357a74 [BUGFIX] PageLayout: Need empty value for child processing information
1f619d6 fix userFunc frontend controller path
8aee5b0 [BUGFIX] PageLayout - Do not use hard pathes in ajax rendering
4e5ab01 [BUGFIX] TYPO3 v8LTS: Add be:thumbnail ViewHelper to TV+
1456031 [BUGFIX] TYPO3 v8LTS: Convert UID to int as it isn't done in array
02ee322 [BUGFIX] TYPO3 v8LTS: Extend PageRepository dynamically
ef27835 [TASK] make PageLayout compatible with <=10LTS
379065b Revert "[TASK] add icon to node type to diffentiate between fields and types"
2d7fa79 [TASK] add icon to node type to diffentiate between fields and types
cd17719 [TASK] harmonize backend node preview of headings of tt_content elements
8fe4545 [TASK] add backend preview node for tt_content:shortcut
78eaa6b [TASK] fix unit tests by prohpesizing extension config
db5e010 [TASK] composer run style:lint:fix
27028cc [TASK] update php:copypaste ignore rules
dcc6e05 [TASK] update phpstan baseline
43f6762 [TASK] remove wrong return type from phpdoc
e96726b [TASK] replace forbidden empty catch
cb0d7ce [TASK] composer run fix:php
c0293be [REGRESSION] backendLayout lookup won't respect rootline
6f8af39 [REGRESSION] current_field REGISTER unset from flexform childs
2b9bb8a [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Drag'n'Drop
43d1f0e [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Update dark-mode
785c9aa [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - add PageLayoutDesign
d25f010 [TASK] Update Sortable.js to 1.15.0
eddb725 [TASK] fix scrolling and margin for backend module body
4d15073 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - CodeCleanup
e5b8372 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Beautification
2134d49 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Drag'n'Drop
afb7d6d [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Move/Sort records between lists
195efc6 fix typo in class path
96312b4 fix typo in old class path
baef1a3 [TASK] add deprecation message
19ccc44 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Beautification
c97aa6e [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Inline/Modal editing
da173d8 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Child rendering reorganice
d74658a [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Get BeLayout for CEs
0aec598 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Allow Subpart Rendering in MarkerBased
1d73729 [TASK] Fix variable naming
50dc54d [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Allow other table entries
c3d6fcc [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Allow other table entries
bcca111 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Allow other table entries
99fc1cf [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Allow other table entries
cd9df36 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
6623104 [FEATURE] allow old TypoScript page userfunc
04b8859 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
ef1c62c [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
9697715 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
dc29353 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
426c0a9 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModul - Reorganice node handling and templates
57f8494 [BUGFIX] DataStructure Update - Fix class naming for v10 update
994eac1 [TASK] Update README.md about renderer
47bd52d [FEATURE] Add dataProcessing as new valueProcessing to DefaultMappingHandler
2c1f41d [FEATURE] Introduce options in TemplateConfiguration
8b197e4 [BUGFIX] DataStructure Update - Fix WizardItems after changes
0e3f978 [BUGFIX] setLayoutpath not get
2b9d886 [BUGFIX] DataStructure Update - Fix ItemProcFunction after changes
e48ebcc [TASK] Update text blocks inside update scripts
d667a0e [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Create v9/10LTS updates from TcaMigration
c3396ff [BUGFIX] DataStructure Update - Fix issue from indentation feature
64af7df [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Create v11LTS updates from TcaMigration
c85cb40 [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Update v8LTS updates from TcaMigration
5345dbf [BUGFIX] Getting extConf do not need initialize of places
e9e8354 [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Update v8LTS updates from TcaMigration
13a1c86 [TASK] add composer command to update phpstan baseline
9d90ebd [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Cleanup leftovers
8ad6a49 [TASK] Extract backendConfiguration request into ConfigurationService
d8b1bbc [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Reorganize classes for Configurations
58f254a [TASK] add script to codestylecheck single file easily
42a8e66 [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Reimplement for v8LTS TceMigration
703ccf9 [FEATURE] DataStructure Update - Reorganice files
c0c33cd [FEATURE] DataStructure Update Implement file save handling
40dc7fa [TASK] composer normalize
d2457d6 [TASK] move current_field registration earlier to cover all cases
7da3c94 [TASK] allow phpstan and sniff be run via docker optionally
930fe14 [TASK] minor phpdoc correction
09bb82d [TASK] improving code style
be3bc86 [TASK] docker env file is created on demand, gitignore it
a0957fb [REGRESSION] FEcontroller needs to call parent __construct
8ae8cf3 [TASK] run composer fix:php
8a1841f [TASK] composer normalize
bdb29aa [TASK] disable JS linting as it is broken currently
5bca79f [TASK] set stylelint level to allow current CSS, minor fix
8b1ca05 [TASK] set phpcpd to ignore deprecated files and set baseline for green tests
010d87b [TASK] set phpstan to level 0 and freeze current errors for green test
021598e [TASK] remove phpcs errors, warnings should not break test
53bf5ef [FEATURE] add acceptance tests
6999381 [FEATURE] General: ChildTemplate - ChildSelector
faa217c [FEATURE] General: ChildTemplate - Processing
f482aca [REGRESSION] re-introduce the REGISTER tx_templavoilaplus_pi1.current_field
fcb4d9f [TASK] Add conditional logging and exceptions for missing tt_content mapping
82df52b [FEATURE] General: ChildTemplate - Loading
1e94232 [FEATURE] PageLayoutModule: Show description notes if they exists
7013d86 [BUGFIX] Use BS5 data attributes for tooltips