Example client implementations for the exportIE() method of the Ex Libris Rosetta SOAP API DataManagerServicesWS which is unfortunately not covered by the official Ex Libris Java SDK.
One client is a bash script using curl.
The other is implemented as a perl script. Using SOAP::Lite, obtainable
via CPAN or apt install libsoap-lite-perl
on debian based linux distros.
Usage perl script:
perl export_ie_from_rosetta.pl --user_name=<user_name> --institution_code=<institution_code> --pass_word=<pass_word> --proxy_url=<proxy_url> --ie_pid=<ie_pid> --path=<path>
All arguments are named. All arguments are mandatory.
Usage bash script:
bash export_ie_from_rosetta.sh <user_name> <institution_code> <pass_word> <proxy_url> <ie_pid> <path>
All arguments are positional. All arguments are mandatory.
These examples work with a Rosetta installation that allows for local authentication. If your Rosetta installation authenticates via PDS you need to provide the PDS handle instead of the local authentication in the HTTP header. PDS authentication is not possible with these examples, you would have to modify them accordingly.
The SOAP API is deprecated. Use REST instead. REST API exportIE() supports additional arguments group_name and permissions. Use like this: https://rosetta.example.com/rest/v0/ies/IE123456789?op=export&export_path=/path/to/file&group_name=awesome_group&permissions=775