4.0.0 - EXT:solr 9 compatibility
Apache Solr for TYPO3 - Tika Addon version 4.0.0 released
We are happy to announce version 4.0.0 of EXT:tika.
New in this Release
This release is a compatibility release for EXT:solr 9.0.0
Usage of solarium PHP-API
Since we are using the solarium PHP-API in EXT:solr now, we want to use that in EXT:tika as well, when
we use Apache Solr for tika extraction.
Tika version 1.20 supported
EXT:tika is now tested against version 1.20 of Apache Tika.
Add mimetype MPEG/audio to list of allowed mimetypes for solr cell
Add's the mime-type MPEG/audio as allowed mime-type for the solr cell extraction
Thanks to all contributors
(patches, comments, bug reports, reviews, ... in alphabetical order)
- Helmut Hummel
- Timo Hund
Also a big thanks to our partners that have joined the EB2019 program:
- Amedick & Sommer Neue Medien GmbH
- BIBUS AG Group
- Bitmotion GmbH
- CS2 AG
- Gernot Leitgab
- Getdesigned GmbH
- Hirsch & Wölfl GmbH
- ITK Rheinland
- Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (KZVB)
- Ueberbit Gmbh
- b13 GmbH
- bgm business websolutions GmbH & Co KG
- datamints GmbH
- medien.de mde GmbH
- mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH
- mellowmessage GmbH
- plan2net GmbH
- punkt.de GmbH
Special thanks to our premium EB 2019 partners:
- jweiland.net
- sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Thanks to everyone who helped in creating this release!
How to Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:
- Submit bug reports and feature requests on GitHub
- Ask or help or answer questions in our Slack channel
- Provide patches through Pull Request or review and comment on existing Pull Requests
- Go to www.typo3-solr.com or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3
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+49 (0)69 - 2475218 0