Pooling Manager for Unity. This manager allows for all your pools to be contained in one easy to access class.
It also includes features such as:
- Error logging
- State tracking
- Persistence through level loads
- Dynamic pool growth
- The ability to auto parent or manualy set the parent of the pooled object at creation
Add PooledObjectManager and PoolDataSender to a gameObject in scene.
- In the PoolDataSender inspector, set up the pools you want to create.
Pooled Objects must have a script on them that derives from PooledObject class. This allows for error logging, tracking the objects state, and some initialization.
- Example class is included and can be attached to the prefab if you dont want your classes deriving from PooledObject.
The PoolManager class by default is a Singleton, so to access the methods to get objects from their pools you will need to refrence it's instance ie. Poolmanager.Instance.TryGetObjectFromPool(prefab, out T component);
There are a few ways to get and use objects from their pools:
TryGetObjectFromPool(prefab, out T component);
- Prefab is the object type you want to use from the pool.
- T is the component type you are trying to get from the pooled prefab.
- Where T is the component type you want to get from the prefab.
- Prefab is the object type you want to use from the pool.
UseObjectFromPool(prefab, position, rotation);
- This will return the gameObject from the pool of type prefab.
- Will set the position and rotation after getting it from the pool
- Will also set it to active after getting it and setting its position.
When done with the pooled object set it to not active ie.
and it will automaticaly be returned to the pool.