This repo will tech you how to automate logs archiving with powershell and Windows task scheduler
I found this tutorial helpfull for basic archiving Automated clean up and archive of log files with PowerShell 5
I'm new to powershell scripting, and i'm not an expert, this what i came with
PowerShell Script content:
Basic archiving script, archive logs that olds than 7 days and put them on the same logs directory, without parameters, predefind values:
$logFolder = "C:\Application\LogsFolder" #Logs folder path
$fileAge = 7
#Get All files older than 7 days
$logFiles = Get-ChildItem $logFolder -Filter *.log.* | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1 * $fileAge)
#Create ZIP file on the same directory
$destinationPath = $logFolder + (Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmm") + ".zip"
#Define an array to put all selected files inside it
$logFilePaths = @()
#loop on all files and put them inside array
foreach($logFile in $logFiles){
$logFilePaths += $logFile.FullName
#Compressing part of the script, it will take the array, and destination path. For compression Level, you choose between these values: (Optimal, Fastest)
Compress-Archive -Path $logFilePaths -DestinationPath $destinationPath -CompressionLevel Optimal
#check if ZIP file created, if so, delete the archived log files
if (Test-Path -Path $destinationPath -PathType Leaf){
Remove-Item -Path $logFilePaths
#Throw an error to notify the Task Scheduler to re-run the script again
throw "Zipped file not created, please check the configuration"
In Addtion If you want to automate the deletion of archived filles put the following script:
$archiveAge = 60
#Get All ZIPed files that are older than 60 days
$archiveFiles = Get-ChildItem $destinationPath -Filter *.zip | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1 * $archiveAge)
foreach($archiveFile in $archiveFiles){
Remove-Item –path $archiveFile.FullName
Lets make every variable to be parameterized: We need the following parameters:
- LogName //String - Archived Initial Name
- LogFolder //String - Where log files are located
- fileAge //int - Age of log files to be archived
- DestinationPath //String - Where you want to put ZIP files
- DeleteArchivedFiles //bool - do you want to delete the archived files?
- archiveAge //int - if you choose $true in the previous parameter, what is the archive file age
Script Content:
#First we need to have parameters
#Allowed Characters for the logName variable
$pat = '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'
#Check if LogName have Special Characters, this will make sure that no error while creating the ZIP file
if ($appName -match $pat)
throw "Please send a valid string without \ / : * ?"" < > |"
#Get All files older than 7 days
$logFiles = Get-ChildItem $logFolder -Filter *.log.* | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1 * $fileAge)
#If you want to see the selected files
echo $logFiles
#Create ZIP file on the same directory
$destinationPath = $DestinationPath + $LogName + (Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmm") + ".zip"
#Define an array to put all selected files inside it
$logFilePaths = @()
#loop on all files and put them inside array
foreach($logFile in $logFiles){
$logFilePaths += $logFile.FullName
if there is no files, exit from the script
if ($logFilePaths -ne $null){
Compress-Archive -Path $logFilePaths -DestinationPath $destinationPath -CompressionLevel Optimal
#check if ZIP file created, if so, delete the archived log files
if (Test-Path -Path $destinationPath -PathType Leaf){
Remove-Item -Path $logFilePaths
#Throw an error to notify the Task Scheduler to re-run the script again
throw "Zipped file not created, please check the configuration"
#if $DeleteArchivedFiles is $true, and $archiveAge != $null and $archiveAge > 1, you can run the deletion process
if ($DeleteArchivedFiles -and !$archiveAge -and $archiveAge > 1){
echo "--------------------------"
echo "Archive Files will be deleted"
$archiveFiles = Get-ChildItem $destinationPath -Filter *.zip | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1 * $archiveAge)
foreach($archiveFile in $archiveFiles){
Remove-Item –path $archiveFile.FullName
First of all we will use Bulit in Windows Task Scheduler to automate this task
Please follow these instructions:
- Find and start new Task:
- Create New Task and fill the needed information:
- You need to choose this option: "Run Whether user is logged on or not" to run this task even if no one is logged on.
- Check "Run with highest privleges" to elimentate any file locking from application, you must enable it or you can't delete the archived logs.
- Triggers:
This section will Schedule the task to run (Daliy, Weekly, Monthly, etc..) Here i choose to run weekly on Friday at 03:00 AM in the morning, you can choose whatever you want.
- Actions:
In this section we will configure the task to run PowerShell script
Choose the program: PowerShell.exe
Fill the argument as follow:
C:\Users\intadmin\Documents\ArchiveLogs.ps1 -LogName 'ApiBankArchivedLogs_' -logFolder 'D:\ApplicationLogs\BankAPIsLogs' -fileAge 3 -DestinationPath 'D:\ApplicationLogs\Archived_APIBank_Logs' -DeleteArchivedFiles $false -archiveAge 0
Arguments Description:
If you want script to not exit after task finished, Pass this argument before script path, at the first
Any string argument should be wrapped with single quotation especially the argument that accept paths like $logFolder, it will throw an excption because the Two vertical points (:).
The boolean arguments accept ($true, $false), like $DeleteArchivedFiles.
In this script, if you send $false for $DeleteArchivedFiles, any number send in $archiveAge will be ignored and no ZIP file will be deleted.
In the $DestinationPath argument, if you choose another folder path, this path must be exist, the script will not create folder he not found it. it will throw NotFound exception.
- "Optional" settings:
if you want to have other settings like below. i did't use any settings here but i highlight what you can do