Sigil of Uchma (formerly TT Project) is a work-in-progress tabletop role playing game being created by me, TaygaHoshi. The game is currently in alpha stage.
You can start reading the rules from this website. If you want to read the latest rules instead,
You can send me feedback from this form:
This repository is for keeping track of changes to the game rules between versions. It may or may not be up to date. Playable books will be posted in the releases page after they are made publicly available.
Feel free to submit a pull request, but you must read the introduction and You can contribute to most of the places labeled with "#TODO". I use Obsidian to edit of these notes, to this project uses Obsidian Flavored Markdown except for this file. It uses GitHub Flavored Markdown instead.
To contribute, you can simply fork this repository, then clone your fork into Obsidian or any equivalent software:
cd /path/to/obsidian/vault
git clone your-fork
Then you can create a branch, make your changes, and create a commit:
git checkout -b your-branch-name
# make your changes here
git add -A
git commit -m "useful commit mesage"
git push
Lastly, you can send a pull request to my repository through GitHub.
Alternatively, you can go to your fork repository and press "." (dot). This opens your repository in a text editor, and you can commit directly from there.
├── Assets
├── Character - Paths
├── Character - Branches
├── Content -> Pages for gameplay mechanics and game content
├── Equipment -> Weapons and armors
├── Items & Consumables
├── Monsters -> Sample NPC templates and stat blocks
├── -> Starting point
├── -> Full licence text
├── -> You are here!
├── -> Links, books, articles, videos, posts and sources about the inspirations of Sigil
└── -> Information about how this project is versioned
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See for full text of the licence.
Sigil of Uchma consists of assets in the form of gameplay rules, art, music, books, e-books and more. Assets may or may not be in this repository. Unless explicitly told, all assets share this licence.
In the future, I will have a separate licence for commercial usage.