AMF (Android MVP Framework) is supposed to reduce the time needed to setup an Android MVP app project
AMF is build as a library with sample app, which can be used as a boilerplate project for your app
AMF utilizes modern approaches in development of Android apps:
- MVP architecture (Mosby),
- Dependency Injection principle (Dagger2)
- Code-generator utils (AutoComponent, AutoLayout)
to help you start prototyping rapidly and to reduce the amount of code needed to start the project.
- Retrofit
- RxJava2
- Retrolambda
- OrmLite
- Butterknife
- Picasso
out of the box
But don't be scared, it's not limited to prototypes. It's built to be used in production, as it was constructed on top of experience from number of apps
Currently still in development. This doesn't mean it's not working, it's just we are trying to get it in proper shape for opensource community, for you to be able to use it in any project you want without unnecessary caveats.
© 2016 - 2017 (making it better every day)
Team-SOFT s.r.o.
Dusan Bartos