Account page for QR-Code Generator Live Demo
Code the user account page for the QR Code App. Design was provided by screenshot
Vue.js, Vuex, Vue-router, TypeScript, i18n, Less, axios.
- everything is clickable and interactive
- all components and other files are written in TypeScript
- there is no any UI kit, just manual written less-styles, components are placed mostly by flex
contains fonts from requirements, images and less folder/services
are for working with api endpoints/store
is a vuex store/types
are for main entities, simular to loaded data/views
contains main views for combining different components/components
are for common use, for Account/Profile section, and main- notification is my custom-made component, very simple and useful
- tab selection changes current route
- data is loading from db.json hosted by my-json-server; for loading data from another user just hover on Account in nav-menu and select "Change user"
- support of 2 languages: English and German (sorry, googletranslated it); to change locale choose "Change to XX" in Account sub-menu
- you can change main editor title, user's contact information, user's working sphere
- there is a simple fields validation
npm install
- install nodes
npm run serve
- compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run build
- compiles and minifies for production
npm run deploy
- github deployment