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Deploy Scripts

jworkmanjc edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 13 revisions

The powershell scripts of the ADMU would need to either be

  • Pushed and hosted on each workstation locally
  • Hosted on UNC share and called from the network share
#Creates local folder
New-Item c:\Share\ -ItemType directory
#Creates smbshare
new-smbshare -Name 'jumpcloudADMU' -Description 'Jumpcloud ADMU' -Path c:\Share\support\admu

Microsoft Domain GPO:

Create a new GPO targeting OU containing systems admu_copy

Edit the GPO with the following settings:

  • Computer Config, Preferences, Windows Settings, Files

admu_copy2 admu_copy3

  • Change get action to replace
  • Edit source files to the UNC Share created above
  • Fill in the destination folder.



  • Verify GPO pushed & folder exists locally