Mode Deployed : "deplacement"
Forked from GetLuko/Covid19-French-Auth
By respect to our medical staff, please respect the social distancing, the governement rules and the barrier gestures.
The goal of this project is to be able to generate the "ATTESTATION DE DÉPLACEMENT DÉROGATOIRE" from the French Government.
This is a pure Vanilla JS implementation. No need to compile anything. Run out-of-the-box.
If the generator isn't up to date anymore with the official one, please notify me so that I can update it.
Here's my contact info :
I've build an iOS shorcut that uses this generator to get an attestation in a second.
No data are sent to the server. Everything is run locally on your browser.
A hosted version is available at :
The hosted version currently is for the "deplacement" attestation. If you want the other mode:
- "confinement", replace "generate.html" in the URL by "generate_confinement.html".
- "couvre-feu", replace "generate.html" in the URL by "generate_couvre-feu.html".
The hosted version only counts the number of users and "attestations" generated, in order to manage the traffic.
If you're worried about privacy, checkout the "installation" chapter.
Specify the parameters directly in the URL :
If you want the other mode:
- "confinement", replace "generate.html" in the URL by "generate_confinement.html".
- "couvre-feu", replace "generate.html" in the URL by "generate_couvre-feu.html".
Every parameter should be encoded in URL format. Check
'Reason' options are:
- 'examen'
- 'travail'
- 'sante'
- 'famille'
- 'handicap'
- 'animaux'
- 'convocation'
- 'judiciaire'
- 'missions'
- 'transits'
- 'transit'
- 'animaux'
Additional reasons only applicable from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in territories subject to containment on weekends:
- 'courses'
- 'sport'
- 'rassemblement'
- 'demarche'
The file : generate.html is in charge of generate the PDF
From the url hanchor parameter, it retrieves the profil (firstname, lastname, etc...).
Then, this profil is injected in a hidden form that is similar to the one on Official Website.
Then, the official certificate.js
script from the official website is called to compile the PDF using the data store on the hidden form.
- copy the folder from this repo
- go to root project folder
- host locally the folder :
- Python :
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
- Node :
npm install http-server -g
- Python :
- use generate.html (+ your personal data) to generate your attestation
- Official website code source : used for
: - Inspired by :