A comprehensive collection of JavaScript concepts, examples and projects to help learn JavaScript from basics to advanced topics.
01_basics/ - Fundamental JavaScript concepts
- Variables
- Data Types
- Type Conversions
- Strings
- Numbers & Math
- Dates
- Comparisons
02_basics/ - Core JavaScript concepts
- Arrays and Array Methods
- Objects
- Object Methods
- Object Destructuring
03_basics/ - JavaScript Functions
- Function Declarations
- Function Expressions
- Arrow Functions
- Scopes
- IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
04_control_flow/ - Control Structures
- if/else conditions
- Switch statements
- Truthy/Falsy values
- Nullish Coalescing
05_iterations/ - Loops and Iterations
- for loops
- while loops
- do...while loops
- forEach, map, filter
- for...in, for...of
06_dom/ - Document Object Model
- DOM Manipulation
- Event Handling
- DOM Navigation
- Creating Elements
- Color Switcher - Change background color on button clicks
- BMI Calculator - Calculate BMI with height and weight inputs
- Digital Clock - Display local time
- Number Guessing Game - Guess the random number game
- Keyboard Check - Display keyboard key information
- Background Color Changer - Auto change background color
- Events - Event handling and propagation
- Async Programming - Promises, async/await
- API Requests - Making HTTP requests
- OOP - Object Oriented Programming concepts
- Classes
- Objects
- Prototypes
- Constructor functions
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/TheProfessor123/js.git
Open files in your preferred code editor
Start with basics and progress through advanced topics
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Chhagan Ram Choudhary