This is an app where a User(A human with a dog) can monitor their dog to understand their wants and needs. I wanted to be able to have a record of this incase it was ever important for their Veterinarian/Trainer/Self to know. I hope that this application can help someone feel closer to their dogs. Dogs are family and I want to give them a voice.
To get the Rails server running locally:
-The first step in this getting this app working is getting a facebook KEY and SECRET.
-add new app
-Once the key and secret are created, add these to a .env file with the following format:
-This will allow omniauth for github to work
-Add .env to .gitignore file
-Clone this repo
-bundle install to install all req'd dependencies
-rake db:migrate to make all database migrations
-rails s to start the local server
-Devise - For implementing authentication (
-Omniauth - User sign-in/sign-up (
-Dotenv Rails - For adding local enviorment file (
-CanCanCan - For authorization, restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access. (
app/models - Contains the database models for the application where we can define methods, validations, queries, and relations to other models.
app/views - Contains templates for pages presented to user
app/controllers - Contains the controllers where requests are routed to their actions, where we find and manipulate our models and return them for the views to render.
config - Contains configuration files for our Rails application and for our database, along with an initializers folder for scripts that get run on boot.
db - Contains the migrations needed to create our database schema.