TIM is a fantasic inventory manager, Taleden wrote a super effective tool. The only thing that isn't quick about it is the setup, This takes care of all of that. It automatically applies tim values to a lot of common blocks.
Script Name: TIM Auto-Deploy script
Author: Therian
Version: 0.3
Purpose: To automatically setup TIM on new grids, without having to do 100 lines of data entry.
Dependancies: Taleden's Inventory Manager [TIM]
Before You Start:
This script was designed to be ran when a ship is first built, and you want to install TIM. If you just want to save yourself some time, you should be able to run this completely default and save yourself quite a bit of typing. Make sure you don't have any connector or merge blocks attached if you don't want this to effect that grid as well.
Copy and paste from start of code to end of code tags into your programming block, OR use the blueprint which will only include these.
Alter the below config variables to your preference.
Click Check code, if you're Configuration is acceptable it should compile successfully.
Click Remember and Exit
Click Run on the Programming block