- Natural Language Inference is a study where a hypothesis can be inferred from a premise where both are a text sequence. It determines the logical relationship between a pair of text sequences.
- I have downloaded all the libraries and dependencies required for the project in one particular cell.
from d2l import torch as d2l
import os, re
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from IPython import display
- I have used google colab for this notebook so the process of downloading and reading the data might be different in other platforms. I will use Stanford Natural Language Inference Corpus for this project. The SNLI Corpus is a collection of over 500000 labeled english pairs.
- I will define a function to only extract part of the dataset and then return list of premises, hypothesis and their labels. I have presented the implementation of Reading SNLI Dataset using PyTorch here in the snapshot.
- I will define a class for loading the SNLI Dataset. The num steps argument in the class constructor specifies the length of a text sequence so that each minibatch of sequences will have the same shape. The token sequences which are longer than num steps are trimmed while special tokkens are appended to shorter sequences. I have presented the implementation of Loading SNLI Dataset using PyTorch here in the snapshots.
- I will align words in one text sequnce to each word in other sequence. I will implement soft alignment using attention mechanism. I will define the Attend Class to compute the soft alignment of the hypotheses beta with input premises and soft alignment of premises alpha with input hypotheses. I have presented the implementation of MLP and Attention Mechanism using PyTorch here in the snapshot.
- I will compare a word in one sequence with the other sequence that is softly aligned with the word. In soft alignment all the words from one sequence with different attention weights will be compared with a word in other sequence. I will aggregate the two sets of comparison vectors to infer the logical relationship. I will feed the concatenation of both summarization results into MLP function to obtain the classification result of the logical relationship. By using the attending, comparing and aggregating steps together, I will define the decomposable attention model to jointly train these three steps.
- I have presented the implementation of Training and Evaluating Attention Model using PyTorch here in the snapshot.