LuAshitacast 1.50 - Interface 4.15
This is still compatible with interface 4.14.
Change log:
-Leftover globals will now be cleared when changing profiles.
-Lockstyle will now persist after zoning when using LAC's lockstyle functionality.
-/lac lockstyle [set name] has been added as a command to lockstyle on the fly.
-Profile no longer updates on outgoing job change packet, but waits until the server confirms the job change. This should prevent some issues with onload events, but may introduce a very slight delay.
-'/lac list gui' has been added as a command. This allows you to view your current profile's sets in an imgui window.
-'/lac list' has been added as a command. This lists all of your current profile's sets to the chat log.
-'/lac list [set name]' has been added as a command. This lists the contents of a set in your current profile to the chat log.
-gFunc.SetMidDelay, gFunc.InterimEquip, gFunc.InterimEquipSet have been added as functions. These can be used to delay your midcast or midshot gear until just before cast/shot completion, and set equipment to be worn in the time in between.
-A tutorial entry has been added to illustrate use of the prior functions.