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This repository contains the following components:

  1. Helm Chart for llm-ingestor: Located in /charts/llm-ingestor.
  2. Application Code for Ingestor: Located in /ingestor with its Dockerfile.
  3. Application Code for LLM Pipeline: Located in /pipelines with its Dockerfile (used by a chart not included in this repository).

Helm Chart Overview

The Helm chart is designed to deploy the llm-ingestor application. Below are the configuration options available in the chart.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the llm-ingestor Helm chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Value
nameOverride Name override for the deployment llm-ingestor
secrets.dockerhubconfigjson Docker Hub credentials secret ''
env.KAFKA_SERVICE Kafka service endpoint localhost:9092
env.KAFKA_TOPIC Kafka topic to consume cve
env.KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID Kafka consumer group ID llm-ingestor
env.KAFKA_MAX_SIZE Maximum Kafka message size 10000000
env.PORT Port on which the application listens 3001
env.LLAMAINDEX_OLLAMA_BASE_URL Base URL for the LlamaIndex Ollama http://localhost:11434
env.LLAMAINDEX_MODEL_NAME Model name for LlamaIndex gemma:2b
env.EMBEDDING_DIM Embedding dimension for LlamaIndex 1024
env.LLAMAINDEX_EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME Embedding model name for LlamaIndex mxbai-embed-large:latest
initContainers[].name Name of the init container db-migrate
initContainers[].repository Repository for the init container marlapativ/db-migration
initContainers[].tag Tag for the init container latest
initContainers[].pullPolicy Pull policy for the init container Always
initContainers[].command Command to run in the init container ['flyway']
initContainers[].args Arguments for the init container command ['migrate']
initContainers[].resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the init container 100m
initContainers[].resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the init container 100Mi
initContainers[].resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the init container 10m
initContainers[].resources.requests.memory Memory request for the init container 25Mi
extraSecrets Additional secrets to be provided {}
pod.readinessProbe.path Path for the readiness probe /healthz
pod.livenessProbe.path Path for the liveness probe /healthz
resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the application pod 500m
resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the application pod 384Mi
resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the application pod 250m
resources.requests.memory Memory request for the application pod 256Mi
podLabels Labels to be applied to the pod {}
podAnnotations Annotations to be applied to the pod {}
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a new service account true Name of the service account llm-ingestor-sa
serviceAccount.automount Automount service account token false
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the service account {}
db.secrets.postgresUsername Secret for PostgreSQL username ''
db.secrets.postgresPassword Secret for PostgreSQL password '' Host for the PostgreSQL database ''
db.config.port Port for the PostgreSQL database 5432
db.config.table Table name in the PostgreSQL database embeddings
db.config.schema Schema name in the PostgreSQL database cve
kafka.secrets.username Kafka username ''
kafka.secrets.password Kafka password ''
replicaCount Number of replicas for the deployment 3
image.repository Docker image repository for the application marlapativ/llm-ingestor
image.tag Docker image tag for the application latest
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
affinity.enable Enable affinity for pod scheduling true
affinity.topologyKey Topology key for pod affinity
pdb.create Whether to create a Pod Disruption Budget true
pdb.minAvailable Minimum number of pods available under PDB 1
pdb.maxUnavailable Maximum number of pods unavailable under PDB {}
autoscaling.hpa.enabled Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler true
autoscaling.hpa.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas under HPA 1
autoscaling.hpa.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas under HPA 3
autoscaling.hpa.targetCPU Target CPU utilization percentage for HPA 5
autoscaling.hpa.targetMemory Target memory utilization percentage for HPA 80
autoscaling.hpa.annotations Annotations for the HPA {}


To deploy the llm-ingestor Helm chart, use the following command:

helm install llm-ingestor /charts/llm-ingestor --values /path/to/your/values.yaml

This template provides a clear overview of the configuration parameters and their default values, making it easy for users to understand and customize the deployment.