<img src=“https://api.travis-ci.org/cpetschnig/translate-twitter.png?branch=master” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/cpetschnig/translate-twitter.png” /> <img src=“https://gemnasium.com/cpetschnig/translate-twitter.png” alt=“Dependency Status” /> <img src=“https://coveralls.io/repos/cpetschnig/translate-twitter/badge.png?branch=master” alt=“Coverage Status” />
After the setup of the database, you need to manually create a new admin user. Go to the Rails console and do the following with your own credentials:
u = AdminUser.new u.email = "a@bc.de" u.password = "Your password" u.uid = 12345678 u.token = "Your twitter access token" u.token_secret = "Your twitter access token secret" u.save
$ bundle exec whenever --write-crontab