This is a portfolio website of me, Kotaro (Toto) TANAKA. I create this to keep all of my projects that I've created on my own during the study of Full Stack Software Development in Code Institute, Ireland. The live site is available HERE.
Users are potential employers, or people who may link me with them. Owner is me, Kotaro (Toto) TANAKA who would like to promote myself by providing all the projects that I created during the study at Code Institute, and try to engage with as many people as possible to get a job in the programming industry. There is a link to Linkedin, where users can know about my study & work histories as well as the skills. There is a link to GitHub page where I also have some works from the study at Code Institute as well as by self-study.
Users are potential employers, or people who may link me with them. By creating a simple design website where I keep all the projects that I create during my study in Code Institute, users can see them easily, and they know what my projects are like. By providing a link to my LinkedIn page, users can also see histories of my education, work and skills. Below are the features implemented on the website.
- Main page with a log, link to “Project” section, link to LinkedIn and GitHub
- Brief introduction and the technologies I can use
- Contact e-mail address in case they would like to contact me
Features to be included on this projects are; Navigation bar with logo, links to Project page, LinkedIn and GitHub
The website consists of 2 pages (sections). One is Home and other one is Project.
There is a hero image with brief introduction about myself. There are also the technologies that I can use.
There are brief details of the project and link to the actual website & GitHub README page.
Mobile first design and there is a wireframe of Home and Project pages for mobile and desktop sizes. Wireframe
— Colour —
Main page is dark colour to give users impression of programmer (more backend). On the other hand, Project page is used lighter colour to stand out the projects.
— Typography —
Consolas is used as main font to give users image of programming
- HTML5 for markup
- CSS3 for style
- JavaScript for interaction
- Google Fonts for fonts
- Bootstrap4 (css framework) for main frame of the website
- Font Awesome for icons
- jQuery (JavaScript library) for more efficient coding
- Chrome DevTools for testing, style checking and debugging
- Visual Studio Code as Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Git for local version control, keeping the files and documents
- GitHub for online version control, keeping the files, documents and deploying the website
- Image: Nick Nice for background image
- Image: Created By Myself for UFO image
- HTML: Mark Otto for main frame of index.html
- CSS: CSS-Tricks for hello world bubble tooltips
- CSS: hovercss for push button
- CSS: hovercss for wobble vertical movement
- JavaScript: Stack Overflow for heading display
- JavaScript: Stack Overflow for flying UFO
- JavaScript: CSS-Tricks for displaying "hello world" bubble tooltips