Chuck Node is an open source project. The app itself is a crowdsourcing tool for Chuck Norris Facts. Because Chuck Norris is unstoppable!
The sourcecode of the app is meant to serve as an MVC seed project / or boilerplate for any Express / MongoDB based NodeJS app. This can be a starting point for engineers who are looking to get familiar with these technologies, Chuck Node is a great learning tool to get you started.
If you would like to be a contributor to the project, please contact Paul Kist at paul AT traackr DOT com
There are examples in this boiler plate to get started with:
- NPM / Package.json:
- Basic MVC Structure
- Express:
- Routing
- Middlewares
- Views
- Handlebars:
- Handlebar Helpers methods
- Mongoose:
- Validation
- Custom getters and setters
- Virtual fields
- Static Methods
- Instance Methods
- Schema definitions
- DB action hooks
- Grunt (A build tool)
- Mocha (Unit Tests)
- Other Conventions / Tools
- Async
- Underscore
- Crypto
- Coming Soon:
- Forever (Continuious uptime)
- Mock Unit Testing
- Bower dependency management
Tested on Node 0.10.30, NPM 1.4.21
- NodeJS & NPM
- MongoDB
- Grunt (
npm install -g grunt-cli; npm install -g grunt
After cloning the project for the first time you'll want to update your project dependencies by running npm install in your home directory by doing:
$ npm install
If this is successful, continue on by running the unit tests and building the app. Currently there are no files to build at the moment and no build tasks have been set up. But testing is part of the build process so simply run:
$ grunt
And the default task will run the unit tests, both the spec
and nyan
versions of the test (these are different reporters). Actualy because the spec version of the suite ran all the tests, there's no use to run the rest under nyan. But this is an example that you can single out certain tests to run under different reporters, see the grunt configuration Gruntfile
In our package.json
which is native to NPM, we have a few tasks defined:
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_PATH=./app/controllers NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js",
"test": "NODE_PATH=./app/controllers NODE_ENV=test mocha"
So to run the app simply use npm start
(or npm run-script startWin
in Windows) and it will run on port 3000 by default
The app is structured as follows. Under the app
folder are the following directories and their purpose:
- Schema definitions are here. Look atFacts.js
as an examplecontrollers
- Controller classes are here. Look atFactController.js
as an exampleviews
- Handlebar templates go here. Look atviews/fact
for exampleslib
- Custom business logic an go here in an organized fashion and included in your main controller viarequire
- here is where you wanna create your own handlebar functions to be used in your templates
The files you'll wanna update:
- Edit the main view templates:
- Add routes to config/routes.js
- Create your Model and Controllers
- Create your views
The overall steps to deploy Chuck Node on Heroku are:
- Create and configure the application on Heroku
- Push the application to Heroku
- Configure the application
This assumes you have installed the Heroku cli on your machine (
Create a new application for Chick Node on Heroku and make sure to install an add-on for MongoDB, e.g. MongoHQ Sandbox (free). The URL for you application should be Heroku also creates a git repo for your application:
With Heroku you can push and deploy an application as if you where pushing your code to a remote git repository.
- Add Heroku as a remote repository:
git remote add heroku<ap-name>.git
- Push + deploy code:
git push heroku master
Heroku (and the application) uses environment variables to configure the application (see config/config.js
). You will need to define the following environment variables with Heroku:
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
heroku config:set PORT=80
heroku config:set MONGOHQ_URL=mongodb://<username>:<password><mongohq-app-id>
(_this would be the syntax if you used MongoHQ as an add-on for your hosted MongoDB database _)
You might need to restart the application for these to take effect: heroku restart