A dashboard to visualize and evaluate the results of "Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Screening Strategies to Permit the Safe Reopening of College Campuses in the United States" by A. David Paltiel, Amy Zheng, and Rochelle P. Walensky. It's build in R with shiny
and shinydashboard
. Check it out at https://data-viz.it.wisc.edu/covid-19-screening/.
This dashboard is not implemented by the original authors of the paper, and we cannot guarantee that the methodology is implemented exactly as the paper. We have made extensive checks against a spreadsheet mentioned in the original paper, which now links directly to our dashbaord.
We encourage suggestions of new features and improvements to make the visualizations more helpful. The developers can be contacted below.
- Srikanth Aravamuthan ( aravamuthan@wisc.edu )
- Sean Kent ( spkent@wisc.edu )
- Steve Goldstein ( sgoldstein@wisc.edu )
- Brian Yandell ( brian.yandell@wisc.edu )