UXSoc Chapter Website Theme for Hugo
This is basic set-up and assumes that yarn and hugo are already installed, if not check out the devplan.md file
Install the needed packages for the server/yarn compiler in /themes/hugo-uxsoc-theme
yarn install
Run hugo server in same folder: /themes/hugo-uxsoc-theme
yarn run server
access at http://localhost:1313/
Run yarn to compile SASS into CSS also in /themes/hugo-uxsoc-theme
yarn run watch
Use multiple terminal tabs to conveniently run both these tabs at once
config.toml contains all the content that the static site generator (hugo) fills into the page dynamically
netlify.toml used by the host https://www.netlify.com/ to specify the correct version of hugo
content/ case-study files
themes/hugo-uxsoc-theme/ Bulk of theme
indicates that the previous path for a file/folder is this
~/admu the compiled site do NOT edit these files
~/archetypes template files for the site
~/layout html pages
~/node_modules the packages needed, not a direct part of the project (my be global instead)
~/src javascript and sass files
~/static fonts, images, and base javascript/css
~/devplan.md Outlines how to setup fully, and what need to be worked on
~/package.json All on the packages needed (NOT all the dependencies, that is auto-generated in ~/package-lock.json)
~/theme.toml theme template info
~/hugo-version.json designates the hugo version, which is downloaded by the package hugo-cli. Available at https://github.com/UXSoc/hugo-cli for more documentation
Use markdown preview to easliy read all the *.md files
To install: npm install -g markdown-preview
Open files with markdown-preview <filename>