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06 Files and folders in this repository

Dorien Huijser edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 2 revisions

Below you can find an explanation of all the files and folders that are currently in this repository.

Root of the repository

  • .github: contains issue and pull request templates, and the GitHub workflow to automatically build and render the Data Privacy Handbook.
  • book: all the actual contents and settings of the Data Privacy Handbook. Below this folder is explained in more detail.
  • .Rbuildignore: contains a list of files/folders that are ignored when building the Handbook.
  • .all-contributorsc: File created by the all-contributors bot in this repository. Please don’t edit this file. Please add any contributors that have a GitHub account according to the instructions in this issue.
  • .gitignore: contains a list of files/folders that are ignored (not tracked) by git and thus not version-controlled.
  • .zenodo.json: contains Zenodo metadata in json format which is included in the Zenodo deposit when a new release of the repository is made. To update the contributors to be displayed in Zenodo, please see the information about contributors.mdbelow.
  • CITATION.cff: contains metadata to enable citation from the GitHub repository itself. It was created with
  • contains the Code of Conduct for the Data Privacy Handbook.
  • contains the Contributing guidelines when someone wants to contribute to the Data Privacy Handbook.
  • contains the CC-BY-4.0 license text that applies to the Data Privacy Handbook.
  • the README file of this repository.
  • contains a list of people who contributed to the Data Privacy Handbook. To keep things simple, we have chosen ProjectMember as contribution type for all contributors. This list is formatted as a table, with the columns corresponding to Zenodo metadata fields for contributors. That way, this file allows to easily update the .zenodo.json file:
    1. Copy the table.
    2. Use a table-to-json converter (for example this one) to correctly format the (new) contributors.
    3. Paste the generated json in the correct place in the .zenodo.json file.
  • contains styling instructions for the Data Privacy Handbook content.

Book folder

  • assets: contains files that are used to style the Data Privacy Handbook, such as CSS (styling), javascript (book.js), header and footer html (for the html version of the Handbook) and the preamble.tex (LaTeX packages required to create the pdf version of the Handbook).
  • chapters: contains the R markdown (Rmd) files that the Handbook is built from. These are the files that should be edited to change Handbook content.
  • files: contains files that are loaded into the Handbook, such as example agreements, and "data" files (e.g., faqs.csv, glossary.csv) which are read in and formatted in the relevant Rmd files.
  • img: contains all the images used in the Data Privacy Handbook.
  • 404.html: html code for the 404 page (i.e., "This page does not exist").
  • _bookdown.yml: contains general bookdown settings.
  • _output.yml: contains settings for the different output formats of the Data Privacy Handbook (see the next wiki page for more information on that).
  • dataprivacyhandbook.Rproj R project file for the Data Privacy Handbook. Open this file in R Studio to work locally with the Handbook and edit its contents. It will make sure the necessary environment is loaded into R.
  • index.Rmd: contains markdown of the first chapter of the Handbook. Edit this file if you want to change the contents of the homepage (the rest of the Handbook content is located in the chapters folder).