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Unreal-Sui-SDK is a sample example to help developers integrate Sui blockchain technology into their C++ and Unreal projects.

Project Layout

  1. Config/:: This directory contains the project's configuration files, including INI files used to set various project parameters .
  2. Content/:: This directory contains all the project's content assets.
  3. Lib/:: This directory contains the libsui_rust_sdk.dylib library and header files to use the functions in the library.
  4. Resource/:: A place for various resources needed for the project, like images, data files, or other assets.
  5. Source/: This directory contains the project's C++ source code.



  • Compatibility with main, dev, and test networks.
  • Integration with Sui blockchain using native libraries.
  • Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux).


  • Mint new NFTs.
  • Transfer NFTs to other addresses.
  • Retrieve wallet objects related to NFTs.
  • Conversion between raw and managed data structures for NFT objects.


  • Basic serialization and deserialization of Sui types.
  • Support for various Sui types including integers, floats, booleans, strings, and addresses.
  • Conversion of Sui types to BCS (Binary Canonical Serialization) format.


  • Create and manage multisig wallets.
  • Create transactions from multisig wallets.
  • Sign and execute transactions using multisig wallets.
  • Handling of multisig data structures and transaction results.


  • Create and manage transaction builders.
  • Add various types of commands to transactions (e.g., move call, transfer object, split coins, merge coins).
  • Execute transactions with or without a sponsor.


  • Singleton pattern for easy access to wallet functionalities.
  • Generate new wallets with specified key schemes and word lengths.
  • Import wallets from private keys.
  • Import wallets from mnemonics.
  • List all wallets.
  • Display wallet details.
  • Generate and add new keys to the wallet.


Platforms Unreal Version Installation Status
Mac / Linux Unity engine 5.4 3rd lib build config Fully Tested



Installation Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing and setting up on macOS platforms. Ensure you have the following prerequisites installed to build the project:


Project Setup

Run follow command to setting Envỉroment befor testing:

  1. Check Sui Client Environment:
    Sui client envs

NOTE:If you dont have DevNet Please Run CMD :

    sui client new-env --alias devnet --rpc
  1. Switch to devnet network:
    sui client switch --env devnet
  2. Check current network:
    sui client active-env

NOTE: The return should be devnet

  1. Get the active address:
    sui client active-address
  2. Request token:
    sui client faucet 

NOTE: Wait for 60s to get the tokens

  1. Check the gas coin objects for the active address:
    sui client gas

Using Unreal-Sui-SDK

Unreal-Sui-SDK can integrate into your own Unreal projects. We have two options to run the project:

  1. Open the Unreal project directly through the SuisdkUnreal.uproject file and then click the Run icon to test.

  2. Open the project using Visual Studio Code, build the source code, and run the test.

For option 2 you need define Build.cs to integration libsui_rust_sdk.dylib library with Unreal engine. Here is an example:

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.IO;
using System;
public class SuisdkUnreal : ModuleRules
	public SuisdkUnreal(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
		PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
		PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "UMG", "Json", "JsonUtilities", "HTTP", "ImageWrapper" });
		PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });
		PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { });
		if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
			string unreal_sui_sdk_LibPath = Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "../../Lib/", "libsui_rust_sdk.dylib");
			string destinationDirectory = Target.ProjectFile.Directory.FullName;
			PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] { Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "../../Lib/") });
			PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string[] { Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "../../../") });
		CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Cpp17;

Import Wallet from Private Key

To import a wallet using a private key:

    ImportResult *result = import_from_private_key(PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64);
    printf("Status: %d\n", result->status);
    printf("Address: %s\n", result->address);
    printf("Error: %s\n", result->error);
Import Wallet from Mnemonic

To import a wallet using a mnemonic:

     ImportResult *result = import_from_mnemonic(SENDER_MNEMONIC, "ED25519", SENDER_MNEMONIC_ALIAS);
    printf("Status: %d\n", result->status);
    printf("Address: %s\n", result->address);
    printf("Error: %s\n", result->error);
Get Saved Wallets

To get saved wallets:

     WalletList wallet_list = get_wallets();
Get Saved Wallet From Address

To get saved wallet from address:

    Wallet *wallet = get_wallet_from_address(ADDRESS);
Generate Wallet Using KeyScheme and Word Length

To generate wallet using key scheme and word length:

    Wallet *wallet = generate_wallet("ed25519", "word12");
Generate random and save wallet

To generate random and save wallet:

    Wallet *wallet = generate_and_add_key();
Request tokens from faucet

To request tokens from faucet:

   const char *response = request_tokens_from_faucet(FAUCET_ADDRESS);
Execute programmable transaction
    unsigned long long amount = 1000000000;
    const char *result = programmable_transaction(SENDER_ADDRESS, RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, amount);
    assert(result != NULL);
    printf("Result: %s\n", result);
    free((void *)result);
Execute programmable transaction with sponser
    unsigned long long amount = 5400000000;
    const char *result = programmable_transaction_allow_sponser(SENDER_ADDRESS, RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, amount, SPONSER_ADDRESS);
    assert(result != NULL);
    printf("Result: %s\n", result);
    free((void *)result);
Execute programmable transaction with builder
  // Create a new builder
    CProgrammableTransactionBuilder *builder = create_builder();
    assert(builder != NULL);

    CArguments *coin = create_arguments();

    CArguments *amount = create_arguments();
    make_pure(builder, amount, bsc_basic("u64", "1000000000000"));

    add_split_coins_command(builder, coin, amount);

    // Add a transfer object command
    CArguments *agrument = create_arguments();
    add_argument_result(agrument, 0);
    CArguments *recipient = create_arguments();
    make_pure(builder, recipient, bsc_basic("address", RECIPIENT_ADDRESS));
    add_transfer_object_command(builder, agrument, recipient);

    // Execute the builder
    const char *result = execute_transaction(builder, SENDER_ADDRESS, 5000000);
    assert(result != NULL);
    printf("Result: %s\n", result);
To get and execute transaction using multisig
    // Step 1: Create a multisig
    const char *addresses[] = {"0x013c740d731b06bb7447316e7b43ea6120d808d07cd0a8a0c6f391930bd449dd", "0x2107184d961804e3cbeef48106a7384d11d90f5a050fde0709da8e079450b824", "0x3d8c53148ba895d5aaa4a604af9864dd041fb409977fdfacc313f296f36faa77"};
    CStringArray addr_array = {addresses, 3};

    unsigned char weights_data[] = {1, 1, 1};
    CU8Array weights = {weights_data, 3, NULL};

    uint16_t threshold = 2;

    // Test get_or_create_multisig
    CMultiSig multisig = get_or_create_multisig(addr_array, weights, threshold);
    if (multisig.error)
        printf("Error creating multisig: %s\n", multisig.error);
        printf("Multisig Address: %s\n", multisig.address);
        printf("Multisig Bytes: ");
        print_hex(, multisig.bytes.len);

    // Step 2: Create a transaction
    const char *from_address = "0x5e4f2cce89e8c5f634b4692fdad3e1345b88aa90546ccaa417fd8a5b0591a21c";
    const char *to_address = "0x7bee59cf2c25539bb267b7d26ae8722f1dfe5112949727648f7b17de0ea72432";
    uint64_t amount = 1000; // Sample transfer amount

    CU8Array tx = create_transaction(from_address, to_address, amount);
    if (tx.error)
        printf("Error creating transaction: %s\n", tx.error);
        printf("Transaction bytes: ");
        print_hex(, tx.len);

    // Step 3: Sign and execute the multisig transaction
    const char *result = sign_and_execute_transaction_miltisig(multisig.bytes, tx, addr_array);
    if (result)
        printf("Error signing and executing transaction: %s\n", result);
        printf("Transaction executed successfully.\n");


Create Wallet

Import Wallet

Send Transaction

Request Faucet




The SDK comes with several examples that show how to leverage the Rust2C-Sui-SDK to its full potential. The examples include Wallet Creation and Management, Token Transfers, NFT Minting, Account Funding, and Multi-signature.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Refer to the LICENSE.txt file for details.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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