This theme provide the AstroVim colorscheme, itself based on the Onedark theme. A darker version of this theme is also provided.
Created this because I'm a LunarVim user.
Install the theme with your preferred package manager:
use "VDuchauffour/neodark.nvim"
- In vimscript:
colorscheme neodark
- In lua:
vim.cmd 'colorscheme neodark'
-- or
theme_style = "neodarker"
- File explorer with Nvimtree
- Language Server Protocol with Native LSP
- Syntax highlighting with Treesitter
- Autocompletion with Cmp
- A tree like view for symbols with Symbols Outline
- A fancy, configurable, notification manager with Notify
- A doom-emacs inspired dashboard with Dashboard
- Indent guides with Indent Blankline
- Git integration with Gitsigns
- Statusline with Lualine
- Fuzzy finding with Telescope
- Personal Wiki for Vim with VimWiki
- Display a popup with possible keybindings with Which Key
- Adds icons to your plugins with Nvim-web-devicons
- Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter with Nvim-ts-rainbow
- A code outline window for skimming and quick navigation with Aerial
Color configs for Alacritty is available.
- AstroVim, borrowed from him the initial colorscheme.
- Onedark theme for the original theme colors.