date : 03/2022
version : 1.0
the Connect 4 game, which is played with a vertical grid of 6x7 seven vertical grid of seven columns by six rows. Each player has twenty-one tokens of one color color (most often red and yellow, translated in our example by the characters "O" and "X" places them in the grid in turn. To win the game, a player must line up four chips vertically, horizontally or obliquely. It is the same principle as Tic-Tac-Toe with one difference: the grid is vertical, which means that the chips fall to the bottom of the column chosen by the player. For more details, I refer you to the dedicated article on Wikipedia . Wikipedia
this program was develop using the C programming language
, the purpose was to have a program that you can run on your console to play
connect 4 game.
you need to have gcc
install and the make
and git
utility installed on your system if you are on - Windows
you can download gcc on
or watch tutorials
on Linux
and make
are already available, if not you can install them buy usiing this command
in your terminal by using your packet manager : -apt
sudo apt install build-essential
and install git by typing
sudo apt install git
if the git
utility is already installed on your system you can download the source code by running this command on your terminal
git clone
Or you can Dowload the Zip Archive
after the respitory dowloaded you cant type this command
-On Linux
cd ./Connect4
-On Windows
cd ./Connect4
make && make clean
to run the game type
if everything is okay by now you will see the game start enjoy :)
if you have any problems , suggestions , remarks , contributions you can contact me on github, any feedback is Welcome!