Dearest customers, we regret to inform you that our majestic corporation's cutting-edge server is incapable of processing more than three mp4's per day, while demanding your entire life savings to be transferred to us twice a month. It appears we must also sell our company headquarters and engage in human sacrifice just to keep up with the technological progress of the 21st century. Please accept our deepest apologies for this inconvenience, and rest assured that we shall upgrade our systems to the level of a telegraph machine to serve you better.
BlinkSync [OPTIONS] <email> <password>
<email> Blink Account Email
<password> Blink Account Password
-d <domain> Alternative API domain
-w <wait> How many seconds to wait in between checks (default=120)
-s <since> Download media which has been changed this many minutes ago (default=10)
-o <output-folder> A custom output folder location
--disable-cloud-downloads Don't download videos from the cloud
--enable-local-downloads Download local videos from all sync-modules
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
nayrk/Unofficial Amazon Blink Video Downloader
Fuck you amazon