WMFO - Tufts Freeform Radio
For copyrights and licensing, see COPYING.
Provides a convenient interface for listening to the WMFO web stream on Android devices
Click here to install the application from Google Play.
###2012-12-16 Improved notifications, change of theme, album art fetching ###2012-12-02 Added playlist view, archive player ###2012-11-29 UI Changes in landscape orientation ###2012-11-27 Added 'now playing' reporting for Last.FM ###2012-11-26 Smoother Last.FM integration, smoother wifi handling ###2012-11-19 Added the option to scrobble tracks to Last.FM Added better handling in the event of connectivity loss ###2012-11-18 Added Twitter support, minor bugfixes on older Android versions ###2012-11-18 Initial functional version