This project has been abandoned. At this time in development, the MountainsMap® does not support reusing their built in scale-sensitive fractal analysis study. This means that length-scale, area-scale, and complexity analysis could not be reused in this study addon, preventing the project from continuing. Further development is still occuring on the standalone application.
This is a multiscale analysis addon developed to integrate directly with MountainsMap® (developed by Digital Surf) to act as a 'study' tool. It uses length-scale, area-scale, or complexity analysis on a given set of surfaces. The application can then be used to run multiscale regression or discrimination on the exported surface data using F-tests, T-Tests, or ANOVA analysis.
The previous iteration of this project was a standalone application develpoed by Nathaniel Rutkowski. In order to improve the user experience, this addon application was created.
The API provided with MountainsMap® is required in order to build and modify this addon, as it is currently not included with this project. Further information on the API can be found in <MountainsMap-install-directory>/SDK/SDK.chm
Installation of Microsoft's Visual C++ MFC and ActiveX libraries will also be required for this project.